Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
dead 7301447 2023-06-12 18:10:59 2023-06-12 18:12:01 2023-06-12 18:30:44 0:18:43 0:10:03 0:08:40 smithi main centos rgw:verify/{0-install clusters/fixed-2 datacache/no_datacache frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability inline-data$/{off} msgr-failures/few objectstore/bluestore-bitmap overrides proto/https rgw_pool_type/ec s3tests-branch sharding$/{default} striping$/{stripe-equals-chunk} supported-random-distro$/{centos_latest} tasks/{cls ragweed reshard s3tests-java s3tests} validater/lockdep} 2
Failure Reason:

{'': {'_ansible_no_log': False, 'changed': True, 'cmd': ['dnf', '-y', 'config-manager', '--set-enabled', 'powertools'], 'delta': '0:00:00.209622', 'end': '2023-06-12 18:26:24.344292', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'_raw_params': 'dnf -y config-manager --set-enabled powertools', '_uses_shell': False, 'argv': None, 'chdir': None, 'creates': None, 'executable': None, 'removes': None, 'stdin': None, 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, 'warn': True}}, 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'rc': 1, 'start': '2023-06-12 18:26:24.134670', 'stderr': 'Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.', 'stderr_lines': ['Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.'], 'stdout': '', 'stdout_lines': [], 'warnings': ["Consider using the dnf module rather than running 'dnf'. If you need to use command because dnf is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message."]}, '': {'_ansible_no_log': False, 'changed': True, 'cmd': ['dnf', '-y', 'config-manager', '--set-enabled', 'powertools'], 'delta': '0:00:00.213620', 'end': '2023-06-12 18:30:28.166852', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'_raw_params': 'dnf -y config-manager --set-enabled powertools', '_uses_shell': False, 'argv': None, 'chdir': None, 'creates': None, 'executable': None, 'removes': None, 'stdin': None, 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, 'warn': True}}, 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'rc': 1, 'start': '2023-06-12 18:30:27.953232', 'stderr': 'Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.', 'stderr_lines': ['Error: No matching repo to modify: powertools.'], 'stdout': '', 'stdout_lines': [], 'warnings': ["Consider using the dnf module rather than running 'dnf'. If you need to use command because dnf is insufficient you can add 'warn: false' to this command task or set 'command_warnings=False' in ansible.cfg to get rid of this message."]}}