Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
fail 7517208 2024-01-15 22:04:11 2024-01-15 22:04:48 2024-01-15 22:24:30 0:19:42 0:12:49 0:06:53 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi017 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 57c93746-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi017:/dev/nvme4n1'

pass 7517209 2024-01-15 22:04:11 2024-01-15 22:04:48 2024-01-16 04:29:34 6:24:46 5:10:29 1:14:17 smithi main centos rados/objectstore/{backends/objectstore supported-random-distro$/{centos_8}} 1
fail 7517210 2024-01-15 22:04:12 2024-01-15 22:04:48 2024-01-15 22:34:47 0:29:59 0:21:42 0:08:17 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/iscsi 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517211 2024-01-15 22:04:13 2024-01-15 22:04:49 2024-01-15 22:36:52 0:32:03 0:20:17 0:11:46 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-add} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517212 2024-01-15 22:04:14 2024-01-15 22:04:49 2024-01-15 22:23:04 0:18:15 0:08:58 0:09:17 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_18.04 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi071 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 1f74c036-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi071:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517213 2024-01-15 22:04:14 2024-01-15 22:04:49 2024-01-15 22:30:31 0:25:42 0:17:47 0:07:55 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/mirror 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517214 2024-01-15 22:04:15 2024-01-15 22:04:50 2024-01-15 22:32:49 0:27:59 0:18:39 0:09:20 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-bucket 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517215 2024-01-15 22:04:16 2024-01-15 22:04:50 2024-01-15 22:25:37 0:20:47 0:10:00 0:10:47 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_20.04 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi038 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 46d8cf8c-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi038:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517216 2024-01-15 22:04:17 2024-01-15 22:04:50 2024-01-15 22:48:39 0:43:49 0:14:33 0:29:16 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-flag} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517217 2024-01-15 22:04:18 2024-01-15 22:04:51 2024-01-15 22:51:52 0:47:01 0:16:46 0:30:15 smithi main centos rados/basic/{ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} mon_election/classic msgr-failures/few msgr/async-v2only objectstore/bluestore-comp-zstd rados supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} tasks/rados_cls_all} 2
Failure Reason:

"2024-01-15T22:48:48.853014+0000 mon.a (mon.0) 466 : cluster [WRN] Health check failed: 1 pool(s) do not have an application enabled (POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED)" in cluster log

fail 7517218 2024-01-15 22:04:18 2024-01-15 22:04:51 2024-01-15 22:37:55 0:33:04 0:20:54 0:12:10 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-user 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517219 2024-01-15 22:04:19 2024-01-15 22:04:51 2024-01-15 22:58:03 0:53:12 0:23:03 0:30:09 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/dashboard/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools task/test_e2e} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed (workunit test cephadm/ on smithi067 with status 1: 'mkdir -p -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && cd -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND=1 CEPH_REF=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb TESTDIR="/home/ubuntu/cephtest" CEPH_ARGS="--cluster ceph" CEPH_ID="0" PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin CEPH_BASE=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_MNT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage timeout 3h /home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0/qa/workunits/cephadm/'

fail 7517220 2024-01-15 22:04:20 2024-01-15 22:04:52 2024-01-15 22:43:45 0:38:53 0:08:53 0:30:00 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi134 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 08cd7320-b3f7-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi134:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517221 2024-01-15 22:04:21 2024-01-15 22:04:52 2024-01-15 22:49:29 0:44:37 0:15:06 0:29:31 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517222 2024-01-15 22:04:22 2024-01-15 22:04:52 2024-01-15 22:34:01 0:29:09 0:20:55 0:08:14 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress2 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

dead 7517223 2024-01-15 22:04:22 2024-01-15 22:04:53 2024-01-16 10:15:47 12:10:54 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-wait} 2
Failure Reason:

hit max job timeout

fail 7517224 2024-01-15 22:04:23 2024-01-15 22:04:53 2024-01-15 22:28:40 0:23:47 0:15:18 0:08:29 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi045 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid d4bef088-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi045:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517225 2024-01-15 22:04:24 2024-01-15 22:04:53 2024-01-16 05:05:13 7:00:20 6:31:03 0:29:17 smithi main centos rados/verify/{centos_latest ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} d-thrash/default/{default thrashosds-health} mon_election/connectivity msgr-failures/few msgr/async-v2only objectstore/bluestore-bitmap rados tasks/rados_api_tests validater/valgrind} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed (workunit test rados/ on smithi100 with status 124: 'mkdir -p -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && cd -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND=1 CEPH_REF=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb TESTDIR="/home/ubuntu/cephtest" CEPH_ARGS="--cluster ceph" CEPH_ID="0" PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin CEPH_BASE=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_MNT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0 ALLOW_TIMEOUTS=1 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage timeout 6h /home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0/qa/workunits/rados/'

fail 7517226 2024-01-15 22:04:25 2024-01-15 22:04:54 2024-01-15 22:32:28 0:27:34 0:19:11 0:08:23 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517227 2024-01-15 22:04:25 2024-01-15 22:04:54 2024-01-15 22:26:04 0:21:10 0:12:04 0:09:06 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi156 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 73655e4e-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi156:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517228 2024-01-15 22:04:26 2024-01-15 22:04:54 2024-01-15 22:34:57 0:30:03 0:18:36 0:11:27 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs2 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517229 2024-01-15 22:04:27 2024-01-15 22:04:55 2024-01-15 22:32:44 0:27:49 0:19:21 0:08:28 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rmdir-reactivate} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517230 2024-01-15 22:04:28 2024-01-15 22:04:55 2024-01-15 22:42:46 0:37:51 0:22:27 0:15:24 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/rgw-ingress 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517231 2024-01-15 22:04:28 2024-01-15 22:04:55 2024-01-15 22:26:49 0:21:54 0:09:05 0:12:49 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_18.04 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi154 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 64177b84-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi154:/dev/nvme4n1'

pass 7517232 2024-01-15 22:04:29 2024-01-15 22:04:56 2024-01-15 23:01:32 0:56:36 0:25:54 0:30:42 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mgr-nfs-upgrade/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 1-bootstrap/16.2.5 1-start 2-nfs 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-final} 2
fail 7517233 2024-01-15 22:04:30 2024-01-15 22:04:56 2024-01-15 22:51:18 0:46:22 0:15:06 0:31:16 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/rgw 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517234 2024-01-15 22:04:31 2024-01-15 22:04:56 2024-01-15 22:55:08 0:50:12 0:18:56 0:31:16 smithi main centos rados/verify/{centos_latest ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} d-thrash/none mon_election/classic msgr-failures/few msgr/async objectstore/bluestore-comp-lz4 rados tasks/rados_cls_all validater/lockdep} 2
Failure Reason:

"2024-01-15T22:51:28.212517+0000 mon.a (mon.0) 474 : cluster [WRN] Health check failed: 1 pool(s) do not have an application enabled (POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED)" in cluster log

pass 7517235 2024-01-15 22:04:32 2024-01-15 22:04:57 2024-01-15 23:05:42 1:00:45 0:31:05 0:29:40 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/2 2-allow_standby_replay/no 3-inline/yes 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
fail 7517236 2024-01-15 22:04:32 2024-01-15 22:04:57 2024-01-15 22:33:10 0:28:13 0:18:23 0:09:50 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/repave-all} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517237 2024-01-15 22:04:33 2024-01-15 22:04:57 2024-01-15 22:28:44 0:23:47 0:09:46 0:14:01 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_20.04 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi046 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid baa299f2-b3f4-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi046:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517238 2024-01-15 22:04:34 2024-01-15 22:04:58 2024-01-15 22:36:04 0:31:06 0:20:59 0:10:07 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/basic 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517239 2024-01-15 22:04:35 2024-01-15 22:04:58 2024-01-15 22:34:04 0:29:06 0:18:46 0:10:20 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/client-keyring 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517240 2024-01-15 22:04:35 2024-01-15 22:04:59 2024-01-15 22:59:50 0:54:51 0:25:52 0:28:59 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/dashboard/{0-distro/ignorelist_health task/test_e2e} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed (workunit test cephadm/ on smithi112 with status 1: 'mkdir -p -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && cd -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND=1 CEPH_REF=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb TESTDIR="/home/ubuntu/cephtest" CEPH_ARGS="--cluster ceph" CEPH_ID="0" PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin CEPH_BASE=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_MNT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage timeout 3h /home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0/qa/workunits/cephadm/'

pass 7517241 2024-01-15 22:04:36 2024-01-15 22:04:59 2024-01-15 23:04:09 0:59:10 0:28:55 0:30:15 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/2 2-allow_standby_replay/no 3-inline/no 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
fail 7517242 2024-01-15 22:04:37 2024-01-15 22:04:59 2024-01-15 22:45:49 0:40:50 0:09:31 0:31:19 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi132 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 21009cf6-b3f7-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi132:/dev/nvme4n1'

pass 7517243 2024-01-15 22:04:38 2024-01-15 22:05:00 2024-01-15 22:51:02 0:46:02 0:31:53 0:14:09 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/upgrade/{1-start-distro/1-start-ubuntu_20.04 2-repo_digest/defaut 3-upgrade/simple 4-wait 5-upgrade-ls mon_election/classic} 2
fail 7517244 2024-01-15 22:04:38 2024-01-15 22:05:00 2024-01-15 22:38:50 0:33:50 0:19:17 0:14:33 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/iscsi 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517245 2024-01-15 22:04:39 2024-01-15 22:05:00 2024-01-15 22:39:15 0:34:15 0:18:43 0:15:32 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-add} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517246 2024-01-15 22:04:40 2024-01-15 22:05:01 2024-01-15 22:52:46 0:47:45 0:16:33 0:31:12 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/workunits/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools mon_election/classic task/test_cephadm} 1
fail 7517247 2024-01-15 22:04:40 2024-01-15 22:05:01 2024-01-15 22:31:18 0:26:17 0:13:48 0:12:29 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi049 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 12540c08-b3f5-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi049:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517248 2024-01-15 22:04:41 2024-01-15 22:05:01 2024-01-15 22:39:37 0:34:36 0:19:57 0:14:39 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/mirror 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517249 2024-01-15 22:04:42 2024-01-15 22:05:02 2024-01-15 22:49:05 0:44:03 0:28:56 0:15:07 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/1 2-allow_standby_replay/yes 3-inline/yes 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
fail 7517250 2024-01-15 22:04:43 2024-01-15 22:05:02 2024-01-15 22:52:55 0:47:53 0:17:46 0:30:07 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mgr-nfs-upgrade/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 1-bootstrap/octopus 1-start 2-nfs 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-final} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi087 with status 1: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 1a5c4760-b3f7-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -e sha1=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb -- bash -c \'ceph versions | jq -e \'"\'"\'.overall | length == 1\'"\'"\'\''

fail 7517251 2024-01-15 22:04:44 2024-01-15 22:05:02 2024-01-15 22:38:55 0:33:53 0:14:36 0:19:17 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-bucket 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517252 2024-01-15 22:04:44 2024-01-15 22:13:44 2024-01-15 22:42:05 0:28:21 0:12:15 0:16:06 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi071 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid ba5fa604-b3f6-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi071:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517253 2024-01-15 22:04:45 2024-01-15 22:23:05 2024-01-15 22:53:57 0:30:52 0:20:02 0:10:50 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-flag} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517254 2024-01-15 22:04:46 2024-01-15 22:23:56 2024-01-15 22:53:21 0:29:25 0:21:59 0:07:26 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-user 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517255 2024-01-15 22:04:46 2024-01-15 22:24:36 2024-01-15 22:44:58 0:20:22 0:09:07 0:11:15 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_18.04 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi038 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid e6ad3b04-b3f6-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi038:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517256 2024-01-15 22:04:47 2024-01-15 22:25:47 2024-01-15 22:51:07 0:25:20 0:17:46 0:07:34 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517257 2024-01-15 22:04:48 2024-01-15 22:26:07 2024-01-15 23:00:38 0:34:31 0:23:46 0:10:45 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress2 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517258 2024-01-15 22:04:49 2024-01-15 22:26:58 2024-01-15 22:52:01 0:25:03 0:15:25 0:09:38 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-wait} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517259 2024-01-15 22:04:49 2024-01-15 22:49:01 589 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_20.04 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi069 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 884120ca-b3f7-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi069:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517260 2024-01-15 22:04:50 2024-01-15 22:27:08 2024-01-15 23:00:40 0:33:32 0:20:43 0:12:49 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517261 2024-01-15 22:04:51 2024-01-16 01:40:20 10748 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/upgrade/nautilus-x-singleton/{0-cluster/{openstack start} 1-install/nautilus 2-partial-upgrade/firsthalf 3-thrash/default 4-workload/{rbd-cls rbd-import-export readwrite snaps-few-objects} 5-workload/{radosbench rbd_api} 6-finish-upgrade 7-pacific 8-workload/{rbd-python snaps-many-objects} bluestore-bitmap mon_election/connectivity thrashosds-health ubuntu_18.04} 4
fail 7517262 2024-01-15 22:04:52 2024-01-15 22:30:40 2024-01-15 23:09:23 0:38:43 0:25:44 0:12:59 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/dashboard/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools task/test_e2e} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed (workunit test cephadm/ on smithi049 with status 1: 'mkdir -p -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && cd -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND=1 CEPH_REF=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb TESTDIR="/home/ubuntu/cephtest" CEPH_ARGS="--cluster ceph" CEPH_ID="0" PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin CEPH_BASE=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_MNT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage timeout 3h /home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0/qa/workunits/cephadm/'

fail 7517263 2024-01-15 22:04:53 2024-01-15 22:31:20 2024-01-15 22:51:24 0:20:04 0:08:55 0:11:09 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi008 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 0221d20e-b3f8-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi008:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517264 2024-01-15 22:04:54 2024-01-15 22:32:30 2024-01-15 22:58:08 0:25:38 0:14:51 0:10:47 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs2 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517265 2024-01-15 22:04:54 2024-01-15 22:32:51 2024-01-15 23:02:12 0:29:21 0:21:38 0:07:43 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rmdir-reactivate} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517266 2024-01-15 22:04:55 2024-01-15 22:32:51 2024-01-15 23:00:07 0:27:16 0:21:02 0:06:14 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/rgw-ingress 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517267 2024-01-15 22:04:56 2024-01-15 22:33:12 2024-01-15 22:55:56 0:22:44 0:13:33 0:09:11 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi039 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 73a5abbc-b3f8-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi039:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517268 2024-01-15 22:04:57 2024-01-15 22:59:09 1070 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/rgw 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517269 2024-01-15 22:04:58 2024-01-15 22:34:12 2024-01-15 23:02:15 0:28:03 0:20:14 0:07:49 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/repave-all} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517270 2024-01-15 22:04:58 2024-01-15 22:34:53 2024-01-15 22:54:13 0:19:20 0:12:39 0:06:41 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi033 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 76049b98-b3f8-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi033:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517271 2024-01-15 22:04:59 2024-01-15 22:34:53 2024-01-15 23:04:43 0:29:50 0:18:57 0:10:53 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/basic 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517272 2024-01-15 22:05:00 2024-01-15 22:35:04 2024-01-15 23:38:59 1:03:55 0:52:06 0:11:49 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/upgrade/{1-start-distro/1-start-ubuntu_20.04 2-repo_digest/repo_digest 3-upgrade/staggered 4-wait 5-upgrade-ls mon_election/connectivity} 2
fail 7517273 2024-01-15 22:05:01 2024-01-15 22:36:14 2024-01-15 23:10:41 0:34:27 0:20:24 0:14:03 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/client-keyring 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517274 2024-01-15 22:05:02 2024-01-15 22:57:20 540 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_18.04 fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi006 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid b622d726-b3f8-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi006:/dev/nvme4n1'

pass 7517275 2024-01-15 22:05:02 2024-01-15 22:38:05 2024-01-15 23:13:57 0:35:52 0:25:07 0:10:45 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mgr-nfs-upgrade/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 1-bootstrap/16.2.5 1-start 2-nfs 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-final} 2
fail 7517276 2024-01-15 22:05:03 2024-01-15 22:38:56 2024-01-15 23:04:10 0:25:14 0:14:15 0:10:59 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/iscsi 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517277 2024-01-15 22:05:04 2024-01-15 22:38:56 2024-01-15 23:55:03 1:16:07 1:06:04 0:10:03 smithi main centos rados/verify/{centos_latest ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} d-thrash/default/{default thrashosds-health} mon_election/connectivity msgr-failures/few msgr/async-v2only objectstore/bluestore-low-osd-mem-target rados tasks/rados_api_tests validater/valgrind} 2
pass 7517278 2024-01-15 22:05:05 2024-01-15 22:39:17 2024-01-15 23:17:48 0:38:31 0:29:03 0:09:28 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/monthrash/{ceph clusters/3-mons mon_election/classic msgr-failures/mon-delay msgr/async objectstore/bluestore-low-osd-mem-target rados supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest} thrashers/one workloads/rados_mon_workunits} 2
fail 7517279 2024-01-15 22:05:06 2024-01-15 22:39:47 2024-01-15 23:06:17 0:26:30 0:18:21 0:08:09 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-add} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517280 2024-01-15 22:05:06 2024-01-15 22:41:08 2024-01-15 23:19:05 0:37:57 0:27:22 0:10:35 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/2 2-allow_standby_replay/no 3-inline/yes 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
fail 7517281 2024-01-15 22:05:07 2024-01-15 22:42:08 2024-01-15 23:06:30 0:24:22 0:10:13 0:14:09 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/ubuntu_20.04 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi029 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid cc43502a-b3f9-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi029:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517282 2024-01-15 22:05:08 2024-01-15 22:42:49 2024-01-15 23:10:45 0:27:56 0:20:05 0:07:51 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/mirror 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517283 2024-01-15 22:05:09 2024-01-15 22:43:49 2024-01-15 23:09:59 0:26:10 0:17:36 0:08:34 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-bucket 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517284 2024-01-15 22:05:09 2024-01-15 22:45:00 2024-01-15 23:20:57 0:35:57 0:26:06 0:09:51 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/dashboard/{0-distro/ignorelist_health task/test_e2e} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed (workunit test cephadm/ on smithi132 with status 1: 'mkdir -p -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && cd -- /home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0/client.0/tmp && CEPH_CLI_TEST_DUP_COMMAND=1 CEPH_REF=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb TESTDIR="/home/ubuntu/cephtest" CEPH_ARGS="--cluster ceph" CEPH_ID="0" PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin CEPH_BASE=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_ROOT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0 CEPH_MNT=/home/ubuntu/cephtest/mnt.0 adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage timeout 3h /home/ubuntu/cephtest/clone.client.0/qa/workunits/cephadm/'

pass 7517285 2024-01-15 22:05:10 2024-01-15 22:46:00 2024-01-15 23:24:48 0:38:48 0:28:31 0:10:17 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/2 2-allow_standby_replay/no 3-inline/no 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
fail 7517286 2024-01-15 22:05:11 2024-01-15 22:46:11 2024-01-15 23:07:34 0:21:23 0:08:50 0:12:33 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools fixed-2 mon_election/connectivity start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi089 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 3ba7ea5c-b3fa-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi089:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517287 2024-01-15 22:05:12 2024-01-15 22:48:41 2024-01-15 23:18:09 0:29:28 0:18:26 0:11:02 smithi main centos rados/verify/{centos_latest ceph clusters/{fixed-2 openstack} d-thrash/none mon_election/classic msgr-failures/few msgr/async objectstore/bluestore-stupid rados tasks/rados_cls_all validater/lockdep} 2
Failure Reason:

"2024-01-15T23:13:52.323638+0000 mon.a (mon.0) 469 : cluster [WRN] Health check failed: 1 pool(s) do not have an application enabled (POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED)" in cluster log

fail 7517288 2024-01-15 22:05:12 2024-01-15 22:48:52 2024-01-15 23:22:20 0:33:28 0:23:41 0:09:47 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/osds/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-ops/rm-zap-flag} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

fail 7517289 2024-01-15 22:05:13 2024-01-15 22:49:02 2024-01-15 23:23:20 0:34:18 0:23:35 0:10:43 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_18.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress-rgw-user 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517290 2024-01-15 22:05:14 2024-01-15 22:49:12 2024-01-15 23:14:16 0:25:04 0:16:19 0:08:45 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/workunits/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools mon_election/classic task/test_cephadm} 1
fail 7517291 2024-01-15 22:05:15 2024-01-15 22:49:13 2024-01-15 23:08:30 0:19:17 0:12:27 0:06:50 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{0-nvme-loop distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_3.0 fixed-2 mon_election/classic start} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi032 with status 22: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid 5db66420-b3fa-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -- ceph orch daemon add osd smithi032:/dev/nvme4n1'

fail 7517292 2024-01-15 22:05:15 2024-01-15 22:49:33 2024-01-15 23:21:13 0:31:40 0:20:02 0:11:38 smithi main ubuntu 20.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/ubuntu_20.04 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517293 2024-01-15 22:05:16 2024-01-15 22:51:04 2024-01-15 23:28:15 0:37:11 0:28:18 0:08:53 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap centos_8.stream_container_tools conf/{client mds mon osd} overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn} roles tasks/{0-from/v16.2.4 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/1 2-allow_standby_replay/yes 3-inline/yes 4-verify} 2-client 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-verify}} 2
pass 7517294 2024-01-15 22:05:17 2024-01-15 22:51:14 2024-01-15 23:34:47 0:43:33 0:33:54 0:09:39 smithi main ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/thrash-old-clients/{0-size-min-size-overrides/3-size-2-min-size 1-install/nautilus-v2only backoff/peering_and_degraded ceph clusters/{openstack three-plus-one} d-balancer/on distro$/{ubuntu_18.04} mon_election/connectivity msgr-failures/osd-delay rados thrashers/default thrashosds-health workloads/test_rbd_api} 3
fail 7517295 2024-01-15 22:05:18 2024-01-15 22:51:35 2024-01-15 23:19:20 0:27:45 0:18:06 0:09:39 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/mgr-nfs-upgrade/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 1-bootstrap/octopus 1-start 2-nfs 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-final} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi174 with status 1: 'sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid c9ce8fb6-b3fa-11ee-95ad-87774f69a715 -e sha1=445562ab4bc3ddfb386936119050695810860bcb -- bash -c \'ceph versions | jq -e \'"\'"\'.overall | length == 1\'"\'"\'\''

fail 7517296 2024-01-15 22:05:18 2024-01-15 22:51:55 2024-01-15 23:16:51 0:24:56 0:14:45 0:10:11 smithi main centos rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools 0-nvme-loop 1-start 2-services/nfs-ingress2 3-final} 2
Failure Reason:

reached maximum tries (121) after waiting for 120 seconds

pass 7517297 2024-01-15 22:05:19 2024-01-15 22:52:06 2024-01-15 23:35:57 0:43:51 0:37:37 0:06:14 smithi main rhel 8.6 rados/cephadm/with-work/{0-distro/rhel_8.6_container_tools_rhel8 fixed-2 mode/packaged mon_election/classic msgr/async-v2only start tasks/rados_api_tests} 2