Description: rados/thrash-erasure-code-shec/{ceph clusters/{fixed-4 openstack} mon_election/classic msgr-failures/osd-dispatch-delay objectstore/bluestore-hybrid rados recovery-overrides/{more-active-recovery} supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} thrashers/careful thrashosds-health workloads/ec-rados-plugin=shec-k=4-m=3-c=2}


  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/yuriw-2023-08-18_20:14:28-rados-main-distro-default-smithi/7372617
  • description: rados/thrash-erasure-code-shec/{ceph clusters/{fixed-4 openstack} mon_election/classic msgr-failures/osd-dispatch-delay objectstore/bluestore-hybrid rados recovery-overrides/{more-active-recovery} supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} thrashers/careful thrashosds-health workloads/ec-rados-plugin=shec-k=4-m=3-c=2}
  • duration: 0:16:06
  • email:
  • failure_reason:
  • flavor: default
  • job_id: 7372617
  • kernel:
    • kdb: True
    • sha1: distro
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: smithi
  • name: yuriw-2023-08-18_20:14:28-rados-main-distro-default-smithi
  • nuke_on_error: True
  • os_type: centos
  • os_version:
  • overrides:
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: main
    • ceph:
      • conf:
        • global:
          • mon election default strategy: 1
          • osd debug inject dispatch delay duration: 0.1
          • osd debug inject dispatch delay probability: 0.1
          • osd_recovery_max_active: 10
          • osd_recovery_max_single_start: 10
        • mgr:
          • debug mgr: 20
          • debug ms: 1
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug paxos: 20
          • mon scrub interval: 300
        • osd:
          • bluefs allocator: hybrid
          • bluestore allocator: hybrid
          • bluestore block size: 96636764160
          • bluestore fsck on mount: True
          • bluestore zero block detection: True
          • debug bluefs: 20
          • debug bluestore: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug osd: 20
          • debug rocksdb: 10
          • mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85
          • mon osd full ratio: 0.9
          • mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8
          • osd blocked scrub grace period: 3600
          • osd debug reject backfill probability: 0.3
          • osd debug verify cached snaps: True
          • osd debug verify missing on start: True
          • osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95
          • osd max backfills: 3
          • osd max markdown count: 1000
          • osd mclock override recovery settings: True
          • osd mclock profile: high_recovery_ops
          • osd objectstore: bluestore
          • osd op queue: debug_random
          • osd op queue cut off: debug_random
          • osd scrub max interval: 120
          • osd scrub min interval: 60
          • osd shutdown pgref assert: True
      • flavor: default
      • fs: xfs
      • log-ignorelist:
        • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
        • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
        • but it is still running
        • objects unfound and apparently lost
        • slow request
        • \(POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED\)
        • overall HEALTH_
        • \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\)
        • \(OSD_
        • \(PG_
        • \(POOL_
        • \(CACHE_POOL_
        • \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\)
        • \(OBJECT_
        • \(SLOW_OPS\)
        • \(REQUEST_SLOW\)
        • \(TOO_FEW_PGS\)
        • slow request
        • timeout on replica
        • late reservation from
      • sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
    • ceph-deploy:
      • bluestore: True
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
          • osd:
            • bluestore block size: 96636764160
            • bluestore fsck on mount: True
            • debug bluefs: 20
            • debug bluestore: 20
            • debug rocksdb: 10
            • mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85
            • mon osd full ratio: 0.9
            • mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8
            • osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95
            • osd objectstore: bluestore
        • fs: xfs
      • install:
        • ceph:
          • flavor: default
          • sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
      • selinux:
        • whitelist:
          • scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0
      • thrashosds:
        • bdev_inject_crash: 2
        • bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5
      • workunit:
        • branch: main
        • sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
    • owner: scheduled_yuriw@teuthology
    • pid:
    • roles:
      • ['mon.a', 'mgr.y', 'osd.0', 'osd.4', 'osd.8', 'osd.12']
      • ['mon.b', 'osd.1', 'osd.5', 'osd.9', 'osd.13']
      • ['mon.c', 'osd.2', 'osd.6', 'osd.10', 'osd.14']
      • ['mgr.x', 'osd.3', 'osd.7', 'osd.11', 'osd.15', 'client.0']
    • sentry_event:
    • status: pass
    • success: True
    • branch: main
    • seed:
    • sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
    • subset:
    • suite:
    • suite_branch: main
    • suite_path:
    • suite_relpath:
    • suite_repo:
    • suite_sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
    • targets:
      • ssh-rsa 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
      • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQDIoaQ9NZkDU9tpyaUNdWY9nQhUhxa9n8a5JYIxUGcC67+T62pZc5q3hKpXV8B+x7bikW5pz4FAPlH1Bae+1WV45ENredyfUm/B3hy837NocE0tV4lwHj59AtTnq54z2Mat4+JfuQFbx1RVGktZh2/TA/LOW142jlLJ1HQbOmJk9JI7kfvc3n9j8+S5Et8S+zIB60YBR7x4JA7u377oLR+E/CkN+Deeg2piZqcW4ZxOxP/QhPgK6FEu8idc25V6eftJCEQLd8vWVpEh6Hkm4BUzH9CRZ/FasAW4EwjSDl4rAR0Xg4MDBxgn9BHMl4K66D3cozkhZYbq6UROLGGqClOJr++ja2J3kweM1djuEyQ9DsKvtbvTuHzl6R127XsX/DF6GxsdvS9aUvAYEtoKUsHXWXpQVw80wsHixdGGFsDB980mCCpC50+b0MUjC36fM3gNlspQWqIdPcdFtIQ98HoXMSh+tRCNe2/QYGu9cEPBTaLzOhAFH8KZW/nq5ni40Is=
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBDqCJ019WOmn6o0BBwwjkAiUh+YrZwC9fCFOYyMiLNc6Jac1kZdtr8CKQRpcNxZNYhGWgb+otoGb4rtgBirhFpc=
      • ssh-rsa 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
    • tasks:
      • internal.check_packages:
      • internal.buildpackages_prep:
      • internal.save_config:
      • internal.check_lock:
      • internal.add_remotes:
      • console_log:
      • internal.connect:
      • internal.push_inventory:
      • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
      • internal.check_conflict:
      • internal.check_ceph_data:
      • internal.vm_setup:
      • kernel:
        • kdb: True
        • sha1: distro
      • internal.base:
      • internal.archive_upload:
      • internal.archive:
      • internal.coredump:
      • internal.sudo:
      • internal.syslog:
      • internal.timer:
      • pcp:
      • selinux:
      • ansible.cephlab:
      • clock:
      • install:
      • ceph:
        • conf:
          • osd:
            • debug monc: 20
            • bluefs allocator: hybrid
            • bluestore allocator: hybrid
            • bluestore block size: 96636764160
            • bluestore fsck on mount: True
            • bluestore zero block detection: True
            • debug bluefs: 20
            • debug bluestore: 20
            • debug ms: 1
            • debug osd: 20
            • debug rocksdb: 10
            • mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85
            • mon osd full ratio: 0.9
            • mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8
            • osd blocked scrub grace period: 3600
            • osd debug reject backfill probability: 0.3
            • osd debug verify cached snaps: True
            • osd debug verify missing on start: True
            • osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95
            • osd max backfills: 3
            • osd max markdown count: 1000
            • osd mclock override recovery settings: True
            • osd mclock profile: high_recovery_ops
            • osd objectstore: bluestore
            • osd op queue: debug_random
            • osd op queue cut off: debug_random
            • osd scrub max interval: 120
            • osd scrub min interval: 60
            • osd shutdown pgref assert: True
          • global:
            • mon election default strategy: 1
            • osd debug inject dispatch delay duration: 0.1
            • osd debug inject dispatch delay probability: 0.1
            • osd_recovery_max_active: 10
            • osd_recovery_max_single_start: 10
          • mgr:
            • debug mgr: 20
            • debug ms: 1
          • mon:
            • debug mon: 20
            • debug ms: 1
            • debug paxos: 20
            • mon scrub interval: 300
        • flavor: default
        • fs: xfs
        • log-ignorelist:
          • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
          • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
          • but it is still running
          • objects unfound and apparently lost
          • slow request
          • \(POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED\)
          • overall HEALTH_
          • \(OSDMAP_FLAGS\)
          • \(OSD_
          • \(PG_
          • \(POOL_
          • \(CACHE_POOL_
          • \(SMALLER_PGP_NUM\)
          • \(OBJECT_
          • \(SLOW_OPS\)
          • \(REQUEST_SLOW\)
          • \(TOO_FEW_PGS\)
          • slow request
          • timeout on replica
          • late reservation from
        • sha1: 64a4fc940624dbc1b65654f740fd0424260cfd2a
        • cluster: ceph
      • thrashosds:
        • aggressive_pg_num_changes: False
        • chance_pgnum_grow: 1
        • chance_pgnum_shrink: 1
        • chance_pgpnum_fix: 1
        • min_in: 8
        • timeout: 1200
        • sighup_delay: 0.1
        • optrack_toggle_delay: 2.0
        • dump_ops_enable: true
        • noscrub_toggle_delay: 2.0
        • random_eio: 0.0
        • bdev_inject_crash: 2
        • bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5
      • rados:
        • clients:
          • client.0
        • ec_pool: True
        • erasure_code_profile:
          • c: 2
          • crush-failure-domain: osd
          • k: 4
          • m: 3
          • name: shecprofile
          • plugin: shec
        • objects: 50
        • op_weights:
          • append: 100
          • copy_from: 50
          • delete: 50
          • read: 100
          • rmattr: 25
          • rollback: 50
          • setattr: 25
          • snap_create: 50
          • snap_remove: 50
          • write: 0
        • ops: 400
        • write_append_excl: False
    • teuthology_branch: main
    • verbose: True
    • pcp_grafana_url:
    • priority:
    • user:
    • queue:
    • posted: 2023-08-18 20:16:00
    • started: 2023-08-18 22:20:44
    • updated: 2023-08-18 22:47:54
    • status_class: success
    • runtime: 0:27:10
    • wait_time: 0:11:04