Description: rados/cephadm/workunits/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools_crun agent/on mon_election/connectivity task/test_set_mon_crush_locations}


  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/yuriw-2023-06-27_20:17:00-rados-wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef-distro-default-smithi/7318332
  • description: rados/cephadm/workunits/{0-distro/centos_8.stream_container_tools_crun agent/on mon_election/connectivity task/test_set_mon_crush_locations}
  • duration: 0:18:40
  • email:
  • failure_reason:
  • flavor: default
  • job_id: 7318332
  • kernel:
    • kdb: True
    • sha1: distro
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: smithi
  • name: yuriw-2023-06-27_20:17:00-rados-wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef-distro-default-smithi
  • nuke_on_error: True
  • os_type: centos
  • os_version:
  • overrides:
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef
    • ceph:
      • conf:
        • global:
          • mon election default strategy: 3
        • mgr:
          • debug mgr: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • mgr/cephadm/use_agent: True
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug paxos: 20
        • osd:
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug osd: 20
      • flavor: default
      • log-ignorelist:
        • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
        • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
      • sha1: b75c542210c04254e2c94e13c158a5b74292e5f0
    • ceph-deploy:
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
          • osd default pool size: 2
    • install:
      • ceph:
        • flavor: default
        • sha1: b75c542210c04254e2c94e13c158a5b74292e5f0
    • selinux:
      • whitelist:
        • scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0
    • workunit:
      • branch: wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef
      • sha1: b75c542210c04254e2c94e13c158a5b74292e5f0
  • owner: scheduled_yuriw@teuthology
  • pid:
  • roles:
    • ['host.a', 'osd.0', 'mon.a', 'mgr.a']
    • ['host.b', 'osd.1', 'mon.b', 'mgr.b']
    • ['host.c', 'osd.2', 'mon.c']
  • sentry_event:
  • status: pass
  • success: True
  • branch: wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef
  • seed:
  • sha1: b75c542210c04254e2c94e13c158a5b74292e5f0
  • subset:
  • suite:
  • suite_branch: wip-yuri11-testing-2023-06-27-0812-reef
  • suite_path:
  • suite_relpath:
  • suite_repo:
  • suite_sha1: b75c542210c04254e2c94e13c158a5b74292e5f0
  • targets:
    • ssh-rsa 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
    • ssh-rsa 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
    • ssh-rsa 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
  • tasks:
    • internal.check_packages:
    • internal.buildpackages_prep:
    • internal.save_config:
    • internal.check_lock:
    • internal.add_remotes:
    • console_log:
    • internal.connect:
    • internal.push_inventory:
    • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
    • internal.check_conflict:
    • internal.check_ceph_data:
    • internal.vm_setup:
    • kernel:
      • kdb: True
      • sha1: distro
    • internal.base:
    • internal.archive_upload:
    • internal.archive:
    • internal.coredump:
    • internal.sudo:
    • internal.syslog:
    • internal.timer:
    • pcp:
    • selinux:
    • ansible.cephlab:
    • clock:
    • pexec:
      • all:
        • sudo cp /etc/containers/registries.conf /etc/containers/registries.conf.backup
        • sudo dnf -y module reset container-tools
        • sudo dnf -y module install container-tools --allowerasing --nobest
        • sudo cp /etc/containers/registries.conf.backup /etc/containers/registries.conf
        • sudo sed -i 's/runtime = "runc"/#runtime = "runc"/g' /usr/share/containers/containers.conf
        • sudo sed -i 's/#runtime = "crun"/runtime = "crun"/g' /usr/share/containers/containers.conf
    • install:
    • cephadm:
    • cephadm.apply:
      • specs:
        • placement:
          • count: 3
        • service_id: foo
        • service_type: mon
        • spec:
          • crush_locations:
            • host.a:
              • datacenter=a
            • host.b:
              • datacenter=b
              • rack=2
            • host.c:
              • datacenter=a
              • rack=3
      • host.a:
        • set -ex # since we don't know the real hostnames before the test, the next # bit is in order to replace the fake hostnames "host.a/b/c" with # the actual names cephadm knows the host by within the mon spec ceph orch host ls --format json | jq -r '.[] | .hostname' > realnames echo $'host.a\nhost.b\nhost.c' > fakenames echo $'a\nb\nc' > mon_ids echo $'{datacenter=a}\n{datacenter=b,rack=2}\n{datacenter=a,rack=3}' > crush_locs ceph orch ls --service-name mon --export > mon.yaml MONSPEC=`cat mon.yaml` echo "$MONSPEC" while read realname <&3 && read fakename <&4; do MONSPEC="${MONSPEC//$fakename/$realname}" done 3 mon.yaml cat mon.yaml # now the spec should have the real hostnames, so let's re-apply ceph orch apply -i mon.yaml sleep 90 ceph orch ps --refresh ceph orch ls --service-name mon --export > mon.yaml; ceph orch apply -i mon.yaml sleep 90 ceph mon dump ceph mon dump --format json # verify all the crush locations got set from "ceph mon dump" output while read monid <&3 && read crushloc <&4; do ceph mon dump --format json | jq --arg monid "$monid" --arg crushloc "$crushloc" -e '.mons | .[] | select(.name == $monid) | .crush_location == $crushloc' done 3
  • teuthology_branch: main
  • verbose: True
  • pcp_grafana_url:
  • priority:
  • user:
  • queue:
  • posted: 2023-06-27 20:21:18
  • started: 2023-06-27 23:04:33
  • updated: 2023-06-27 23:37:04
  • status_class: success
  • runtime: 0:32:31
  • wait_time: 0:13:51