Description: fs/cephadm/renamevolume/{0-start 1-rename conf/{client mds mgr mon osd} distro/single-container-host overrides/{ignorelist_health pg_health}}


  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2024-09-01_20:24:02-fs-main-distro-default-smithi/7885267
  • description: fs/cephadm/renamevolume/{0-start 1-rename conf/{client mds mgr mon osd} distro/single-container-host overrides/{ignorelist_health pg_health}}
  • duration: 0:15:33
  • email:
  • failure_reason:
  • flavor: default
  • job_id: 7885267
  • kernel:
    • kdb: 1
    • sha1: distro
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: smithi
  • name: teuthology-2024-09-01_20:24:02-fs-main-distro-default-smithi
  • nuke_on_error:
  • os_type: centos
  • os_version:
  • overrides:
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: main
    • ceph:
      • cluster-conf:
        • client:
          • client mount timeout: 600
          • debug client: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • rados mon op timeout: 900
          • rados osd op timeout: 900
        • mds:
          • debug mds: 20
          • debug mds balancer: 20
          • debug ms: 2
          • mds debug frag: True
          • mds debug scatterstat: True
          • mds op complaint time: 180
          • mds verify scatter: True
          • osd op complaint time: 180
          • rados mon op timeout: 900
          • rados osd op timeout: 900
        • mon:
          • mon op complaint time: 120
          • mon warn on pool no app: False
        • osd:
          • osd op complaint time: 180
      • conf:
        • mgr:
          • client mount timeout: 30
          • debug client: 20
          • debug mgr: 20
          • debug ms: 1
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug paxos: 20
          • mon down mkfs grace: 300
        • osd:
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug osd: 20
          • osd shutdown pgref assert: True
      • flavor: default
      • log-ignorelist:
        • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
        • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
        • FS_DEGRADED
        • fs.*is degraded
        • filesystem is degraded
        • MDS_ALL_DOWN
        • filesystem is offline
        • MDS_DAMAGE
        • MDS_DEGRADED
        • MDS_FAILED
        • insufficient standby MDS daemons available
        • online, but wants
        • filesystem is online with fewer MDS than max_mds
        • do not have an application enabled
        • overall HEALTH_
        • Replacing daemon
        • deprecated feature inline_data
        • PG_DEGRADED
        • Reduced data availability
        • Degraded data redundancy
      • sha1: 83fc625b564ccf3927977ee1f86e2936b1b884e2
    • ceph-deploy:
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
      • install:
        • ceph:
          • flavor: default
          • sha1: 83fc625b564ccf3927977ee1f86e2936b1b884e2
      • selinux:
        • allowlist:
          • scontext=system_u:system_r:logrotate_t:s0
          • scontext=system_u:system_r:getty_t:s0
      • workunit:
        • branch: main
        • sha1: 42c1c3d42aaa0b6c9bcbccb51c8b397fb980aa9f
    • owner: scheduled_teuthology@teuthology
    • pid:
    • roles:
      • ['host.a', 'osd.0', 'osd.1', 'osd.2', 'osd.3', 'client.0']
      • ['host.b', 'osd.4', 'osd.5', 'osd.6', 'osd.7', 'client.1']
    • sentry_event:
    • status: pass
    • success: True
    • branch: main
    • seed: 655
    • sha1: 83fc625b564ccf3927977ee1f86e2936b1b884e2
    • subset: 141/512
    • suite: fs
    • suite_branch: main
    • suite_path: /home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_ceph_42c1c3d42aaa0b6c9bcbccb51c8b397fb980aa9f/qa
    • suite_relpath: qa
    • suite_repo:
    • suite_sha1: 42c1c3d42aaa0b6c9bcbccb51c8b397fb980aa9f
    • targets:
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBE0F6YOxsUEs5htuKxk0rU7kzVkkioJatJkrsTrHZhS5AGL1BLGjmOzYe1sIWWJ+u7vq5jlr1cxW42rWCcL9k1A=
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOrirQEkKMJMmLAJssyzop3Ofiy4FTdxEghirLeIlpJs3yerxa5h/1/qYSWnXfeNbGLnL0uTZcLYv4LdmDxVey8=
    • tasks:
      • internal.check_packages:
      • internal.buildpackages_prep:
      • internal.save_config:
      • internal.check_lock:
      • internal.add_remotes:
      • console_log:
      • internal.connect:
      • internal.push_inventory:
      • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
      • internal.check_conflict:
      • internal.check_ceph_data:
      • internal.vm_setup:
      • kernel:
        • kdb: 1
        • sha1: distro
      • internal.base:
      • internal.archive_upload:
      • internal.archive:
      • internal.coredump:
      • internal.sudo:
      • internal.syslog:
      • internal.timer:
      • pcp:
      • selinux:
      • ansible.cephlab:
      • clock:
      • install:
      • cephadm:
        • roleless: True
        • cluster-conf:
          • client:
            • client mount timeout: 600
            • debug client: 20
            • debug ms: 1
            • rados mon op timeout: 900
            • rados osd op timeout: 900
          • mds:
            • debug mds: 20
            • debug mds balancer: 20
            • debug ms: 2
            • mds debug frag: True
            • mds debug scatterstat: True
            • mds op complaint time: 180
            • mds verify scatter: True
            • osd op complaint time: 180
            • rados mon op timeout: 900
            • rados osd op timeout: 900
          • mon:
            • mon op complaint time: 120
            • mon warn on pool no app: False
          • osd:
            • osd op complaint time: 180
        • conf:
          • mgr:
            • client mount timeout: 30
            • debug client: 20
            • debug mgr: 20
            • debug ms: 1
          • mon:
            • debug mon: 20
            • debug ms: 1
            • debug paxos: 20
            • mon down mkfs grace: 300
          • osd:
            • debug ms: 1
            • debug osd: 20
            • osd shutdown pgref assert: True
        • flavor: default
        • log-ignorelist:
          • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
          • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
          • FS_DEGRADED
          • fs.*is degraded
          • filesystem is degraded
          • FS_WITH_FAILED_MDS
          • MDS_ALL_DOWN
          • filesystem is offline
          • MDS_DAMAGE
          • MDS_DEGRADED
          • MDS_FAILED
          • insufficient standby MDS daemons available
          • MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX
          • online, but wants
          • filesystem is online with fewer MDS than max_mds
          • do not have an application enabled
          • overall HEALTH_
          • Replacing daemon
          • deprecated feature inline_data
          • PG_DEGRADED
          • Reduced data availability
          • Degraded data redundancy
        • sha1: 83fc625b564ccf3927977ee1f86e2936b1b884e2
        • cluster: ceph
        • cephadm_mode: root
        • host.a:
          • ceph orch status
          • ceph orch ps
          • ceph orch ls
          • ceph orch host ls
          • ceph orch device ls
        • host.a:
          • ceph fs volume create foo
      • fs.ready:
        • timeout: 300
        • host.a:
          • ceph fs fail foo
          • ceph fs set foo refuse_client_session true
          • ceph fs volume rename foo bar --yes-i-really-mean-it
          • ceph fs set bar joinable true
          • ceph fs set bar refuse_client_session false
      • fs.ready:
        • timeout: 300
        • host.a:
          • set -ex ceph orch ls mds --format=json | jq ".[] | .service_name" | grep ""
      • pexec:
        • all:
          • sudo dnf remove nvme-cli -y
          • sudo dnf install nvmetcli nvme-cli -y
    • teuthology_branch: main
    • verbose: False
    • pcp_grafana_url:
    • priority: 700
    • user: teuthology
    • queue:
    • posted: 2024-09-01 20:29:19
    • started: 2024-09-02 16:32:01
    • updated: 2024-09-02 16:55:30
    • status_class: success
    • runtime: 0:23:29
    • wait_time: 0:07:56