Description: ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export}


Sentry event:

Failure Reason:

{'Failure object was': {'': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:34.939223', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdb', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:34.911671', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdb is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdb of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.027552', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdb', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdb is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdb of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdb', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdb'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.125394', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031003', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.094391', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.305423', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028117', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.277306', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.485506', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027197', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.458309', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.668997', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.637834', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031163', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdf'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.855836', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028081', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.827755', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:36.034166', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.025235', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:36.008931', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\',2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '/dev/sdb')"}

  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/teuthology-2020-08-10_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira/5327943
  • description: ceph-deploy/{cluster/4node config/ceph_volume_filestore distros/ubuntu_latest python_versions/python_3 tasks/rbd_import_export}
  • duration: 0:03:28
  • email:
  • failure_reason: {'Failure object was': {'': {'results': [{'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:34.939223', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdb', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:34.911671', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdb is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdb of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.027552', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdb', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdb" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdb is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdb of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdb', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdb'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.125394', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.031003', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.094391', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.305423', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028117', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.277306', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.485506', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.027197', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.458309', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.668997', 'stdout': ' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'rc': 0, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.637834', 'stderr': ' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.\\n WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.\\n WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".', 'delta': '0:00:00.031163', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes /dev/sdf', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'stdout_lines': [' Labels on physical volume "/dev/sdf" successfully wiped.'], 'stderr_lines': [' WARNING: Device for PV HtLtXU-wdzO-zGjL-HeLo-8rhx-IPGY-vv7Vth not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV YdUAVx-N15m-oZD6-X3OS-ZhBk-Yxu0-ZoBXcf not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV p1sdd7-24AR-Z5um-MTr2-eBM6-8D3Q-i0nCy2 not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV V4XYs2-LHfa-Fwyg-R175-t2Z2-yCpP-O6o9zZ not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV A8FaKP-XWh9-eno9-QM5D-rH4Q-bgx5-HLubqi not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: Device for PV BRW75C-lozt-yx4S-wKnl-McRe-waml-HJCn9W not found or rejected by a filter.', ' WARNING: PV /dev/sdf is used by VG vg_hdd.', ' WARNING: Wiping physical volume label from /dev/sdf of volume group "vg_hdd".'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'failed': False, 'item': '/dev/sdf', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '/dev/sdf'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.855836', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.028081', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:35.827755', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}, {'changed': True, 'end': '2020-08-10 06:10:36.034166', 'stdout': '', 'cmd': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'failed': True, 'delta': '0:00:00.025235', 'stderr': ' Device [unknown] not found.', 'rc': 5, 'invocation': {'module_args': {'creates': 'None', 'executable': 'None', '_uses_shell': True, 'strip_empty_ends': True, '_raw_params': 'pvremove --force --force --yes [unknown]', 'removes': 'None', 'argv': 'None', 'warn': True, 'chdir': 'None', 'stdin_add_newline': True, 'stdin': 'None'}}, 'start': '2020-08-10 06:10:36.008931', 'msg': 'non-zero return code', 'stdout_lines': [], 'stderr_lines': [' Device [unknown] not found.'], '_ansible_no_log': False, 'item': '[unknown]', 'ansible_loop_var': 'item', '_ansible_item_label': '[unknown]'}], 'changed': True, 'msg': 'All items completed'}}, 'Traceback (most recent call last)': 'File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_ceph-cm-ansible_master/callback_plugins/", line 44, in log_failure log.error(yaml.safe_dump(failure)) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 306, in safe_dump return dump_all([data], stream, Dumper=SafeDumper, **kwds) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 278, in dump_all dumper.represent(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 27, in represent node = self.represent_data(data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 199, in represent_list return self.represent_sequence(\',2002:seq\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 92, in represent_sequence node_item = self.represent_data(item) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 48, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[data_types[0]](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 207, in represent_dict return self.represent_mapping(\',2002:map\', data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 118, in represent_mapping node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 58, in represent_data node = self.yaml_representers[None](self, data) File "/home/teuthworker/src/git.ceph.com_git_teuthology_master/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/yaml/", line 231, in represent_undefined raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object", data)', 'yaml.representer.RepresenterError': "('cannot represent an object', '/dev/sdb')"}
  • flavor:
  • job_id: 5327943
  • kernel:
    • sha1: distro
    • kdb: True
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: mira
  • name: teuthology-2020-08-10_05:55:03-ceph-deploy-nautilus-distro-basic-mira
  • nuke_on_error: True
  • os_type: ubuntu
  • os_version: 18.04
  • overrides:
    • ansible.cephlab:
      • vars:
        • quick_lvs_to_create: 4
    • ceph-deploy:
      • use-ceph-volume: True
      • filestore: True
      • python_version: 3
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
          • osd default pool size: 2
    • workunit:
      • sha1: aa50a1c6d3757cd0a2e1be2cd61a923ccd14c244
      • branch: nautilus
    • ceph:
      • log-whitelist:
        • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
        • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
      • conf:
        • mgr:
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug mgr: 20
        • mon:
          • debug paxos: 20
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug ms: 1
        • osd:
          • debug osd: 25
          • debug filestore: 20
          • debug journal: 20
          • debug ms: 20
      • sha1: aa50a1c6d3757cd0a2e1be2cd61a923ccd14c244
    • install:
      • ceph:
        • sha1: aa50a1c6d3757cd0a2e1be2cd61a923ccd14c244
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: nautilus
  • owner: scheduled_teuthology@teuthology
  • pid:
  • roles:
    • ['mon.a', 'mgr.y', 'osd.0', 'osd.1']
    • ['mon.b', 'osd.2', 'osd.3']
    • ['mon.c', 'osd.4', 'osd.5']
    • ['mgr.x', 'client.0']
  • sentry_event:
  • status: dead
  • success: False
  • branch: nautilus
  • seed:
  • sha1: aa50a1c6d3757cd0a2e1be2cd61a923ccd14c244
  • subset:
  • suite:
  • suite_branch: nautilus
  • suite_path:
  • suite_relpath:
  • suite_repo:
  • suite_sha1: aa50a1c6d3757cd0a2e1be2cd61a923ccd14c244
  • targets:
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCoU2F8EDysw3qDcgQv3PFnXZ1WTctz7sj2F67jZsjjHgoXA/CKnxAly08m5g+tjF7CcxkfJsQ7BIBjwmK0rTht1qG+CPsICvtYzxQ1pqCULwFgIW6O42LXVNBfTR8+qRUsVVkWigoFLnxW+aaOGXTUuYHMo/S5hZ5HMOr5+2Dydt+PjeZbbN8/G4E2bx5cHdv3TWHg6XuljxDKez8GGnAp7sD5kxH67ys87q1ErG5fdCCxyn9QoxXAeMniTYyk1T0Od8YjOnX5e2/ZKMAtxhGDq9dpBt2qVZEWB9YccurTgD0vrx9s0srzbRbZN+ChsN0wkgGLani/Y0Kde08P1wRr
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDuLpxZZXDbVaHdH3NdKgXLO+WrJ/0GyEBiJp3VfUXTUD19DeLCVS7NN/fu+hrwTFqXRV59+U9JOzIIO52x/pruEXfyrwh7a+j7Nff7VotIZBSlvD0/AjVLPNbLx4mBZltp9RwQY5zYwnzhE3Eeyukbxo03kF6TK28qj3e4Msv1wE4JvaogPQaG5AstchHqExMTuV2rSvkIMAzQECMVuAxdncrQSjnD/NRRLHtKs35MbBUlMHJ6xl0oFXybI5zsPvxqX079UyU9OfUD2jfTzn7MrQuoMA4IxDrwNOFTXQD0EJNKbP7uCaozEUfXtWGlo8W4FREMTRUM0lnP0R841kgF
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMkfigJ6tkVGddTfDQiYgM6dI0AS5H/j/7iLngsLZ7Q5/9w82U3UZ+fOAraMgRotckiQPrWP6ZnkeSaFLJb/YL4BxNUWYRlrPrL4WmIpUaizGOWH6UbJNh0ZcGvK8aY/T2aYAuItN+Iq1DFJ77rkqKAIVauz3x52MSC6focaJa7Nnc0h6bSOr9MDrFvqXQnRRHsidw3kPjbEtQz7A0N4/irKHTgzB27eiEN4fnMnaM+9NpOhk6qKw+vZRtM7uZhyV0rMEl8NgkBXwHDMlfxEn1/A64Nd1zeC+A743w3L7g+GGONsYSuZ/jp4FfpDSNffRCWUwvpRZ/8FO6NoFwnI8j
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDLW0UMvFzCuRFg5hJma7VsG4+DFw1IklTMOxyQ8FCdqMZ8j5N/u1BNRig+nGG1j/N4Hf6TbBvW6FNfuinlwj8MQVRNzAPh7dyhoxoGMQOLVrzZUZ4rhLzobRL/t4nnG4rR7SC8eHQ5Pn5aUvA7wZTXrFzJQSA13wYB51kAejp9MV3nC9BQ5VKhTVAZEQWxLNcDJOPkER9Rs61Y1DnVg5VgrN6Js1KuJMRndSbQo0emPjo04SPZD7rTybiMy5fOn6qiQO/QzlKRz6ze6jZ6QUyUP+6hix6KCqz1xFXociouT6+ShnozH6yHyxMAa37cNqCu/6htQ5f3oaMf51g5PGbL
  • tasks:
    • internal.check_packages:
    • internal.buildpackages_prep:
    • internal.lock_machines:
      • 4
      • mira
    • internal.save_config:
    • internal.check_lock:
    • internal.add_remotes:
    • console_log:
    • internal.connect:
    • internal.push_inventory:
    • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
    • internal.check_conflict:
    • internal.check_ceph_data:
    • internal.vm_setup:
    • kernel:
      • sha1: distro
      • kdb: True
    • internal.base:
    • internal.archive_upload:
    • internal.archive:
    • internal.coredump:
    • internal.sudo:
    • internal.syslog:
    • internal.timer:
    • pcp:
    • selinux:
    • ansible.cephlab:
    • clock:
    • ssh-keys:
    • ceph-deploy:
    • workunit:
      • clients:
        • client.0:
          • rbd/
  • teuthology_branch: master
  • verbose: True
  • pcp_grafana_url:
  • priority:
  • user:
  • queue:
  • posted: 2020-08-10 05:55:40
  • started: 2020-08-10 05:56:06
  • updated: 2020-08-10 06:12:05
  • status_class: danger
  • runtime: 0:15:59
  • wait_time: 0:12:31