Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
fail 420561 2016-09-17 05:00:41 2016-09-17 05:08:15 2016-09-17 05:38:13 0:29:58 0:22:48 0:07:10 vps master smoke/1node/{clusters/{fixed-1.yaml openstack.yaml} tasks/ceph-deploy.yaml} 1
Failure Reason:

failed during ceph-deploy cmd: mon create-initial , ec=1

pass 420562 2016-09-17 05:00:42 2016-09-17 05:08:17 2016-09-17 07:36:25 2:28:08 0:37:21 1:50:47 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/cfuse_workunit_suites_blogbench.yaml} 3
fail 420563 2016-09-17 05:00:44 2016-09-17 05:08:15 2016-09-17 16:22:46 11:14:31 8:35:24 2:39:07 vps master centos 7.2 smoke/systemd/{distro/centos_7.2.yaml tasks/systemd.yaml} 4
Failure Reason:

ceph-deploy was not able to gatherkeys after 15 minutes

pass 420564 2016-09-17 05:00:44 2016-09-17 05:08:21 2016-09-17 07:28:29 2:20:08 0:32:31 1:47:37 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/cfuse_workunit_suites_fsstress.yaml} 3
pass 420565 2016-09-17 05:00:46 2016-09-17 05:09:46 2016-09-17 06:41:50 1:32:04 1:08:52 0:23:12 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/cfuse_workunit_suites_iozone.yaml} 3
pass 420566 2016-09-17 05:00:47 2016-09-17 05:12:32 2016-09-17 06:20:32 1:08:00 0:48:11 0:19:49 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/cfuse_workunit_suites_pjd.yaml} 3
pass 420567 2016-09-17 05:00:48 2016-09-17 05:14:03 2016-09-17 06:10:05 0:56:02 0:29:58 0:26:04 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/kclient_workunit_direct_io.yaml} 3
pass 420568 2016-09-17 05:00:50 2016-09-17 05:14:57 2016-09-17 07:47:08 2:32:11 0:57:13 1:34:58 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/kclient_workunit_suites_dbench.yaml} 3
pass 420569 2016-09-17 05:00:51 2016-09-17 05:17:44 2016-09-17 07:19:50 2:02:06 0:28:13 1:33:53 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/kclient_workunit_suites_fsstress.yaml} 3
pass 420570 2016-09-17 05:00:52 2016-09-17 05:17:44 2016-09-17 06:35:42 1:17:58 0:47:56 0:30:02 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/kclient_workunit_suites_pjd.yaml} 3
pass 420571 2016-09-17 05:00:54 2016-09-17 05:20:26 2016-09-17 07:46:28 2:26:02 0:36:36 1:49:26 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/libcephfs_interface_tests.yaml} 3
pass 420572 2016-09-17 05:00:55 2016-09-17 05:23:19 2016-09-17 06:41:05 1:17:46 1:02:32 0:15:14 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/mon_thrash.yaml} 3
pass 420573 2016-09-17 05:00:57 2016-09-17 05:26:02 2016-09-17 07:11:53 1:45:51 0:46:39 0:59:12 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 3
pass 420574 2016-09-17 05:00:59 2016-09-17 05:25:59 2016-09-17 07:58:00 2:32:01 0:40:19 1:51:42 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_bench.yaml} 3
pass 420575 2016-09-17 05:01:01 2016-09-17 05:25:58 2016-09-17 08:05:58 2:40:00 1:11:18 1:28:42 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_cache_snaps.yaml} 3
dead 420576 2016-09-17 05:01:02 2016-09-17 05:26:02 2016-09-17 07:31:59 2:05:57 vps master ubuntu 16.04 smoke/systemd/{distro/ubuntu_16.04.yaml tasks/systemd.yaml} 4
Failure Reason:

SSH connection to vpm125 was lost: '/bin/echo -e \'cat <<EOF\\nset default="Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.8.0-rc5-ceph-00028-g4f4f2f7"\\nEOF\\n\' | sudo tee -- \'/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel.tmp~\' >/dev/null && sudo chmod a+x -- \'/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel.tmp~\' && sudo mv -- \'/etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel.tmp~\' /etc/grub.d/01_ceph_kernel && sudo update-grub && rm /tmp/linux-image.deb && sudo shutdown -r now'

pass 420577 2016-09-17 05:01:05 2016-09-17 05:26:03 2016-09-17 06:52:00 1:25:57 0:33:05 0:52:52 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_cls_all.yaml} 3
pass 420578 2016-09-17 05:01:09 2016-09-17 05:28:13 2016-09-17 07:20:19 1:52:06 0:37:01 1:15:05 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_ec_snaps.yaml} 3
fail 420579 2016-09-17 05:01:11 2016-09-17 05:28:15 2016-09-17 06:48:18 1:20:03 0:24:22 0:55:41 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 3
Failure Reason:

{'': {'changed': False, '_ansible_no_log': False, 'stdout': '', 'cache_updated': False, 'failed': True, 'stderr': 'E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)\nE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?\n', 'invocation': {'module_name': 'apt', 'module_args': {'dpkg_options': 'force-confdef,force-confold', 'autoremove': False, 'force': False, 'name': 'krb5-user', 'package': ['krb5-user'], 'purge': False, 'allow_unauthenticated': False, 'state': 'present', 'upgrade': None, 'update_cache': False, 'deb': None, 'only_upgrade': False, 'cache_valid_time': None, 'default_release': None, 'install_recommends': None}}, 'msg': '\'/usr/bin/apt-get -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" install \'krb5-user\'\' failed: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)\nE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?\n', 'stdout_lines': [], 'cache_update_time': 0}}

pass 420580 2016-09-17 05:01:12 2016-09-17 05:28:16 2016-09-17 07:54:26 2:26:10 0:34:51 1:51:19 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rados_workunit_loadgen_mix.yaml} 3
pass 420581 2016-09-17 05:01:13 2016-09-17 05:30:09 2016-09-17 07:34:20 2:04:11 0:46:26 1:17:45 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rbd_api_tests.yaml} 3
pass 420582 2016-09-17 05:01:15 2016-09-17 05:30:35 2016-09-17 06:14:36 0:44:01 0:32:00 0:12:01 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rbd_cli_import_export.yaml} 3
pass 420583 2016-09-17 05:01:18 2016-09-17 05:31:01 2016-09-17 07:35:10 2:04:09 0:42:36 1:21:33 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rbd_fsx.yaml} 3
pass 420584 2016-09-17 05:01:19 2016-09-17 05:31:45 2016-09-17 07:11:54 1:40:09 0:39:46 1:00:23 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rbd_python_api_tests.yaml} 3
fail 420585 2016-09-17 05:01:20 2016-09-17 05:33:48 2016-09-17 07:21:56 1:48:08 0:24:06 1:24:02 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rbd_workunit_suites_iozone.yaml} 3
Failure Reason:

Command failed on vpm109 with status 6: "sudo adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage rbd --user 0 -p rbd map testimage.client.0 && while test '!' -e /dev/rbd/rbd/testimage.client.0 ; do sleep 1 ; done"

pass 420586 2016-09-17 05:01:22 2016-09-17 05:33:49 2016-09-17 06:55:52 1:22:03 0:37:10 0:44:53 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rgw_ec_s3tests.yaml} 3
dead 420587 2016-09-17 05:01:23 2016-09-17 05:34:43 2016-09-17 06:52:46 1:18:03 0:44:28 0:33:35 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rgw_s3tests.yaml} 3
Failure Reason:

[Errno 113] No route to host

pass 420588 2016-09-17 05:01:25 2016-09-17 05:35:37 2016-09-17 06:51:41 1:16:04 0:33:01 0:43:03 vps master smoke/basic/{clusters/fixed-3-cephfs.yaml fs/btrfs.yaml tasks/rgw_swift.yaml} 3