Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
pass 325202 2016-07-20 09:30:37 2016-07-22 05:38:46 2016-07-22 06:26:27 0:47:41 0:47:10 0:00:31 mira master hadoop/basic/{xfs.yaml clusters/fixed-3.yaml tasks/repl.yaml} 3
fail 325203 2016-07-20 09:30:39 2016-07-22 05:38:45 2016-07-22 06:14:27 0:35:42 0:30:41 0:05:01 mira master hadoop/basic/{xfs.yaml clusters/fixed-3.yaml tasks/terasort.yaml} 3
Failure Reason:

{'': {'msg': 'SSH Error: data could not be sent to the remote host. Make sure this host can be reached over ssh', 'unreachable': True, 'changed': False}}

pass 325204 2016-07-20 09:30:40 2016-07-22 05:38:57 2016-07-22 06:56:40 1:17:43 0:40:19 0:37:24 mira master hadoop/basic/{xfs.yaml clusters/fixed-3.yaml tasks/wordcount.yaml} 3