Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
fail 5161395 2020-06-18 21:10:18 2020-06-18 23:11:02 2020-06-18 23:25:01 0:13:59 0:05:33 0:08:26 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi052 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-97d8215c-b1ba-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi052'

fail 5161396 2020-06-18 21:10:19 2020-06-18 23:11:10 2020-06-18 23:33:10 0:22:00 0:07:13 0:14:47 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi114 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-ae1a10d2-b1bb-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161397 2020-06-18 21:10:20 2020-06-18 23:11:15 2020-06-18 23:31:15 0:20:00 0:13:14 0:06:46 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_cephadm.yaml} 1
fail 5161398 2020-06-18 21:10:20 2020-06-18 23:11:18 2020-06-18 23:45:18 0:34:00 0:03:47 0:30:13 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi089 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-8c327fb6-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161399 2020-06-18 21:10:21 2020-06-18 23:13:12 2020-06-18 23:29:11 0:15:59 0:03:47 0:12:12 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi153 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-4f8ca598-b1bb-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi153'

pass 5161400 2020-06-18 21:10:22 2020-06-18 23:15:18 2020-06-18 23:29:18 0:14:00 0:04:19 0:09:41 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_cephadm_repos.yaml} 1
fail 5161401 2020-06-18 21:10:23 2020-06-18 23:15:18 2020-06-18 23:45:18 0:30:00 0:06:53 0:23:07 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async-v1only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi114 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-613ea0dc-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161402 2020-06-18 21:10:24 2020-06-18 23:17:18 2020-06-18 23:39:18 0:22:00 0:05:20 0:16:40 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi200 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-cb8388aa-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161403 2020-06-18 21:10:24 2020-06-18 23:17:18 2020-06-18 23:39:18 0:22:00 0:04:34 0:17:26 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi133 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-bf960f04-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi133'

fail 5161404 2020-06-18 21:10:25 2020-06-18 23:17:19 2020-06-18 23:35:18 0:17:59 0:06:55 0:11:04 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_orch_cli.yaml} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi033 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-fbbf7048-b1bb-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161405 2020-06-18 21:10:26 2020-06-18 23:19:18 2020-06-18 23:33:17 0:13:59 0:03:46 0:10:13 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi171 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-bd85b92c-b1bb-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161406 2020-06-18 21:10:27 2020-06-18 23:20:14 2020-06-18 23:36:12 0:15:58 0:03:44 0:12:14 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi019 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-1fb59e1e-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi019'

fail 5161407 2020-06-18 21:10:28 2020-06-18 23:21:08 2020-06-18 23:41:07 0:19:59 0:11:13 0:08:46 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async-v2only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi139 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-c642e0e8-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161408 2020-06-18 21:10:29 2020-06-18 23:21:08 2020-06-18 23:57:08 0:36:00 0:11:47 0:24:13 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/orchestrator_cli/{2-node-mgr.yaml orchestrator_cli.yaml supported-random-distro$/{centos_8.yaml}} 2
fail 5161409 2020-06-18 21:10:29 2020-06-18 23:23:07 2020-06-18 23:45:06 0:21:59 0:05:48 0:16:11 smithi master centos 7.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_7.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi174 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-91c77b34-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161410 2020-06-18 21:10:30 2020-06-18 23:23:07 2020-06-18 23:47:06 0:23:59 0:05:45 0:18:14 smithi master centos 7.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_7.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi168 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-b668bcc8-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi168'

fail 5161411 2020-06-18 21:10:31 2020-06-18 23:24:25 2020-06-18 23:46:25 0:22:00 0:10:27 0:11:33 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/upgrade/{1-start.yaml 2-start-upgrade.yaml 3-wait.yaml distro$/{ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml} fixed-2.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi179 with status 22: "sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid ae05dbfc-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c -- ceph orch apply iscsi iscsi user password --placement '1;smithi179=iscsi.a'"

pass 5161412 2020-06-18 21:10:32 2020-06-18 23:24:42 2020-06-18 23:40:42 0:16:00 0:08:19 0:07:41 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_adoption.yaml} 1
fail 5161413 2020-06-18 21:10:33 2020-06-18 23:24:47 2020-06-18 23:48:47 0:24:00 0:10:34 0:13:26 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/rhel_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi022 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-d577ab4c-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161414 2020-06-18 21:10:33 2020-06-18 23:25:02 2020-06-18 23:49:02 0:24:00 0:03:54 0:20:06 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi198 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-2164fa32-b1be-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161415 2020-06-18 21:10:34 2020-06-18 23:27:27 2020-06-18 23:39:26 0:11:59 0:03:58 0:08:01 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi012 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-bc6c8560-b1bc-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi012'

pass 5161416 2020-06-18 21:10:35 2020-06-18 23:29:27 2020-06-18 23:57:27 0:28:00 0:19:46 0:08:14 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_cephadm.yaml} 1
fail 5161417 2020-06-18 21:10:36 2020-06-18 23:29:27 2020-06-18 23:47:26 0:17:59 0:07:28 0:10:31 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async-v1only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi031 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-7c40d62a-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161418 2020-06-18 21:10:37 2020-06-18 23:30:59 2020-06-18 23:44:58 0:13:59 0:03:50 0:10:09 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi008 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-78fdb0d2-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161419 2020-06-18 21:10:38 2020-06-18 23:31:15 2020-06-18 23:57:15 0:26:00 0:03:46 0:22:14 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi169 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-3f429afe-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi169'

pass 5161420 2020-06-18 21:10:38 2020-06-18 23:31:16 2020-06-18 23:43:15 0:11:59 0:04:40 0:07:19 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_cephadm_repos.yaml} 1
fail 5161421 2020-06-18 21:10:39 2020-06-18 23:31:57 2020-06-18 23:57:57 0:26:00 0:09:07 0:16:53 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async-v2only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi075 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-0b546376-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161422 2020-06-18 21:10:40 2020-06-18 23:33:26 2020-06-18 23:59:26 0:26:00 0:08:03 0:17:57 smithi master rhel 7.7 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/rhel_7.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi014 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-9616fdac-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161423 2020-06-18 21:10:41 2020-06-18 23:33:26 2020-06-19 00:11:27 0:38:01 0:08:24 0:29:37 smithi master rhel 7.7 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_7.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi189 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-3fcffdf2-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi189'

fail 5161424 2020-06-18 21:10:42 2020-06-18 23:33:26 2020-06-18 23:49:26 0:16:00 0:07:17 0:08:43 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_orch_cli.yaml} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi033 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-face535a-b1bd-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161425 2020-06-18 21:10:42 2020-06-18 23:35:35 2020-06-18 23:59:34 0:23:59 0:06:44 0:17:15 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi181 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-a0eec2be-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161426 2020-06-18 21:10:43 2020-06-18 23:36:14 2020-06-18 23:54:14 0:18:00 0:06:52 0:11:08 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi063 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-ac4fa73c-b1be-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi063'

fail 5161427 2020-06-18 21:10:44 2020-06-18 23:39:35 2020-06-18 23:57:35 0:18:00 0:07:09 0:10:51 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async-v2only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi059 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-289fcd58-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161428 2020-06-18 21:10:45 2020-06-18 23:39:35 2020-06-18 23:57:35 0:18:00 0:09:44 0:08:16 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_adoption.yaml} 1
fail 5161429 2020-06-18 21:10:46 2020-06-18 23:39:35 2020-06-18 23:57:35 0:18:00 0:05:45 0:12:15 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/rhel_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi036 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-4fd474fa-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161430 2020-06-18 21:10:46 2020-06-18 23:40:58 2020-06-18 23:54:57 0:13:59 0:05:32 0:08:27 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi106 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-03f7fea8-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi106'

fail 5161431 2020-06-18 21:10:47 2020-06-18 23:41:08 2020-06-19 00:05:08 0:24:00 0:06:59 0:17:01 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi063 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-44f2ea34-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161432 2020-06-18 21:10:48 2020-06-18 23:41:14 2020-06-19 00:01:13 0:19:59 0:13:19 0:06:40 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_cephadm.yaml} 1
fail 5161433 2020-06-18 21:10:49 2020-06-18 23:43:19 2020-06-18 23:57:18 0:13:59 0:03:50 0:10:09 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi189 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-369e0212-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161434 2020-06-18 21:10:50 2020-06-18 23:43:19 2020-06-19 00:01:19 0:18:00 0:03:53 0:14:07 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi067 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-a068b03e-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi067'

fail 5161435 2020-06-18 21:10:50 2020-06-18 23:45:09 2020-06-19 00:15:09 0:30:00 0:12:04 0:17:56 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async-v1only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi036 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-72bcdf5a-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161436 2020-06-18 21:10:51 2020-06-18 23:45:09 2020-06-18 23:59:08 0:13:59 0:04:25 0:09:34 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_cephadm_repos.yaml} 1
fail 5161437 2020-06-18 21:10:52 2020-06-18 23:45:09 2020-06-19 00:13:09 0:28:00 0:05:30 0:22:30 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi069 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-5fa67e94-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161438 2020-06-18 21:10:53 2020-06-18 23:45:13 2020-06-19 00:03:12 0:17:59 0:04:42 0:13:17 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi133 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-fe6c7490-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi133'

fail 5161439 2020-06-18 21:10:54 2020-06-18 23:45:19 2020-06-19 00:15:19 0:30:00 0:10:44 0:19:16 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/rhel_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async-v2only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi117 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-82618d52-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161440 2020-06-18 21:10:54 2020-06-18 23:45:19 2020-06-18 23:59:19 0:14:00 0:06:41 0:07:19 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_orch_cli.yaml} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi168 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-47632492-b1bf-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161441 2020-06-18 21:10:55 2020-06-18 23:45:19 2020-06-19 00:13:19 0:28:00 0:03:53 0:24:07 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/ubuntu_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi081 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-4d7c4974-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161442 2020-06-18 21:10:56 2020-06-18 23:46:41 2020-06-19 00:14:41 0:28:00 0:06:57 0:21:03 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/ubuntu_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi179 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-3f3fbaa8-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi179'

pass 5161443 2020-06-18 21:10:57 2020-06-18 23:47:04 2020-06-19 00:13:04 0:26:00 0:16:02 0:09:58 smithi master rhel 8.1 rados/cephadm/orchestrator_cli/{2-node-mgr.yaml orchestrator_cli.yaml supported-random-distro$/{rhel_8.yaml}} 2
fail 5161444 2020-06-18 21:10:58 2020-06-18 23:47:08 2020-06-19 00:13:07 0:25:59 0:05:58 0:20:01 smithi master centos 7.6 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_7.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi059 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-5a5527b0-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161445 2020-06-18 21:10:58 2020-06-18 23:47:28 2020-06-19 00:03:27 0:15:59 0:05:51 0:10:08 smithi master centos 7.6 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_7.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi022 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-1baf8b28-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi022'

fail 5161446 2020-06-18 21:10:59 2020-06-18 23:48:53 2020-06-19 00:12:53 0:24:00 0:09:12 0:14:48 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/upgrade/{1-start.yaml 2-start-upgrade.yaml 3-wait.yaml distro$/{centos_latest.yaml} fixed-2.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi139 with status 22: "sudo /home/ubuntu/cephtest/cephadm --image shell -c /etc/ceph/ceph.conf -k /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring --fsid a2974d4c-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c -- ceph orch apply iscsi iscsi user password --placement '1;smithi139=iscsi.a'"

fail 5161447 2020-06-18 21:11:00 2020-06-18 23:48:53 2020-06-19 00:08:53 0:20:00 0:07:32 0:12:28 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/ubuntu_18.04.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi097 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-750b85a0-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

pass 5161448 2020-06-18 21:11:01 2020-06-18 23:49:03 2020-06-19 00:03:02 0:13:59 0:08:42 0:05:17 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_adoption.yaml} 1
fail 5161449 2020-06-18 21:11:02 2020-06-18 23:49:03 2020-06-19 00:07:03 0:18:00 0:04:00 0:14:00 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi138 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-7f500c5c-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161450 2020-06-18 21:11:02 2020-06-18 23:49:07 2020-06-19 00:07:07 0:18:00 0:04:01 0:13:59 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi075 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-913dbed2-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi075'

pass 5161451 2020-06-18 21:11:03 2020-06-18 23:49:27 2020-06-19 00:19:27 0:30:00 0:19:10 0:10:50 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_cephadm.yaml} 1
fail 5161452 2020-06-18 21:11:04 2020-06-18 23:52:58 2020-06-19 00:16:57 0:23:59 0:09:24 0:14:35 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async-v1only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi078 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-9da5dbe0-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161453 2020-06-18 21:11:05 2020-06-18 23:54:31 2020-06-19 00:04:30 0:09:59 0:03:47 0:06:12 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/centos_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi114 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-45449280-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161454 2020-06-18 21:11:06 2020-06-18 23:55:00 2020-06-19 00:08:59 0:13:59 0:03:48 0:10:11 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/centos_latest.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi168 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-bdd53830-b1c0-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi168'

pass 5161455 2020-06-18 21:11:06 2020-06-19 00:00:56 2020-06-19 00:12:55 0:11:59 0:04:45 0:07:14 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/centos_latest.yaml task/test_cephadm_repos.yaml} 1
fail 5161456 2020-06-18 21:11:07 2020-06-19 00:00:57 2020-06-19 00:16:57 0:16:00 0:07:16 0:08:44 smithi master centos 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async-v1only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi171 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-c18f1576-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161457 2020-06-18 21:11:08 2020-06-19 00:01:14 2020-06-19 00:17:14 0:16:00 0:07:59 0:08:01 smithi master rhel 7.7 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/rhel_7.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi114 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-2264e70e-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161458 2020-06-18 21:11:09 2020-06-19 00:01:16 2020-06-19 00:19:15 0:17:59 0:08:05 0:09:54 smithi master rhel 7.7 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_7.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi063 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-50d55eca-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi063'

fail 5161459 2020-06-18 21:11:10 2020-06-19 00:01:20 2020-06-19 00:17:19 0:15:59 0:07:20 0:08:39 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_orch_cli.yaml} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi198 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-e23fbfbe-b1c1-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161460 2020-06-18 21:11:10 2020-06-19 00:03:20 2020-06-19 00:19:19 0:15:59 0:06:56 0:09:03 smithi master centos 8.1 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/centos_latest.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/root.yaml msgr/async-v2only.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_api_tests.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi138 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-16ed61b2-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161461 2020-06-18 21:11:11 2020-06-19 00:03:20 2020-06-19 00:19:19 0:15:59 0:06:46 0:09:13 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi028 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-3e54fe5e-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'

fail 5161462 2020-06-18 21:11:12 2020-06-19 00:03:28 2020-06-19 00:19:28 0:16:00 0:06:38 0:09:22 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/smoke-roleless/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml start.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi168 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-6dcac8ee-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.smithi168'

pass 5161463 2020-06-18 21:11:13 2020-06-19 00:04:48 2020-06-19 00:22:47 0:17:59 0:09:50 0:08:09 smithi master ubuntu 18.04 rados/cephadm/workunits/{distro/ubuntu_18.04_podman.yaml task/test_adoption.yaml} 1
fail 5161464 2020-06-18 21:11:14 2020-06-19 00:04:48 2020-06-19 00:24:47 0:19:59 0:11:50 0:08:09 smithi master rhel 8.0 rados/cephadm/with-work/{distro/rhel_8.0.yaml fixed-2.yaml mode/packaged.yaml msgr/async.yaml start.yaml tasks/rados_python.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi006 with status 5: 'sudo systemctl stop ceph-d8b784b2-b1c2-11ea-a06d-001a4aab830c@mon.a'