Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
pass 7445579 2023-11-03 14:37:23 2023-11-03 14:38:29 2023-11-03 15:24:09 0:45:40 0:34:48 0:10:52 smithi main ubuntu 22.04 rgw/crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/barbican 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability s3tests-branch ubuntu_latest} 1
dead 7445580 2023-11-03 14:37:24 2023-11-03 14:38:29 2023-11-03 14:39:52 0:01:23 smithi main centos rgw/multisite/{clusters frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability notify omap_limits overrides realms/three-zones supported-random-distro$/{centos_8} tasks/test_multi} 2
Failure Reason:

Error reimaging machines: Failed to power on smithi037

dead 7445581 2023-11-03 14:37:24 2023-11-03 14:38:29 2023-11-04 02:49:56 12:11:27 smithi main centos rgw/notifications/{beast bluestore-bitmap fixed-2 ignore-pg-availability overrides supported-all-distro$/{centos_8} tasks/{0-install test_amqp test_kafka test_others}} 2
Failure Reason:

hit max job timeout

pass 7445582 2023-11-03 14:37:25 2023-11-03 14:40:00 2023-11-03 15:09:41 0:29:41 0:21:53 0:07:48 smithi main rhel 8.6 rgw/singleton/{all/radosgw-admin frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability objectstore/bluestore-bitmap overrides rgw_pool_type/ec-profile supported-random-distro$/{rhel_8}} 2
fail 7445583 2023-11-03 14:37:26 2023-11-03 14:40:10 2023-11-03 15:01:53 0:21:43 0:11:30 0:10:13 smithi main ubuntu 22.04 rgw/crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/kmip 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability s3tests-branch ubuntu_latest} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi196 with status 100: 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo -E apt-get -y --force-yes install python-dev'

fail 7445584 2023-11-03 14:37:27 2023-11-03 14:40:11 2023-11-03 17:36:51 2:56:40 2:45:03 0:11:37 smithi main centos rgw/multisite/{clusters frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability notify omap_limits overrides realms/two-zonegroup supported-random-distro$/{centos_latest} tasks/test_multi} 2
Failure Reason:

rgw multisite test failures