Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
pass 7739544 2024-06-03 14:54:17 2024-06-03 14:55:46 2024-06-03 16:32:15 1:36:29 1:00:31 0:35:58 smithi main centos orch:cephadm/with-work/{0-distro/ fixed-2 mode/root mon_election/connectivity msgr/async-v1only start tasks/rados_python} 2
fail 7739545 2024-06-03 14:54:19 2024-06-03 14:56:57 2024-06-03 16:43:14 1:46:17 1:15:15 0:31:02 smithi main centos orch:cephadm/workunits/{0-distro/ agent/on mon_election/connectivity task/test_host_drain} 3
Failure Reason:

"2024-06-03T16:39:12.702838+0000 mon.a (mon.0) 658 : cluster [WRN] Health check failed: 1 failed cephadm daemon(s) (CEPHADM_FAILED_DAEMON)" in cluster log

dead 7739546 2024-06-03 14:54:20 2024-06-03 14:57:57 2024-06-03 15:01:11 0:03:14 smithi main centos orch:cephadm/mds_upgrade_sequence/{bluestore-bitmap conf/{client mds mgr mon osd} fail_fs/no overrides/{ignorelist_health ignorelist_upgrade ignorelist_wrongly_marked_down pg-warn pg_health syntax} roles tasks/{0-from/quincy 1-volume/{0-create 1-ranks/1 2-allow_standby_replay/no 3-inline/no 4-verify} 2-client/kclient 3-upgrade-mgr-staggered 4-config-upgrade/{fail_fs} 5-upgrade-with-workload 6-verify}} 2
Failure Reason:

Error reimaging machines: Failed to power on smithi086

dead 7739547 2024-06-03 14:54:21 2024-06-03 15:00:08 2024-06-03 15:03:52 0:03:44 smithi main centos orch:cephadm/mgr-nfs-upgrade/{ 1-bootstrap/17.2.0 1-start 2-nfs 3-upgrade-with-workload 4-final} 2
Failure Reason:

Error reimaging machines: Failed to power on smithi187