Description: rgw/verify/{0-install accounts$/{main-tenant} clusters/fixed-2 datacache/rgw-datacache frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability inline-data$/{on} msgr-failures/few objectstore/bluestore-bitmap overrides proto/http rgw_pool_type/ec s3tests-branch sharding$/{default} striping$/{stripe-greater-than-chunk} supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest} tasks/{bucket-check cls mp_reupload ragweed reshard s3tests-java s3tests versioning} validater/lockdep}


Sentry event:

Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi086 with status 2: 'adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage radosgw-admin -n client.0 mfa create --uid RGW11111111111111111 --totp-serial 7726903791 --totp-seed S5TUK6NI53BZBATLH5SAMBPV75EXY7ISVGDAB7RBRJVI3HM53X3AWUOHP2NI6RP4 --totp-seconds 5 --totp-window 8 --totp-seed-type base32 --cluster ceph'

  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/cbodley-2024-02-12_01:58:15-rgw-wip-rgw-account-v3-distro-default-smithi/7556382
  • description: rgw/verify/{0-install accounts$/{main-tenant} clusters/fixed-2 datacache/rgw-datacache frontend/beast ignore-pg-availability inline-data$/{on} msgr-failures/few objectstore/bluestore-bitmap overrides proto/http rgw_pool_type/ec s3tests-branch sharding$/{default} striping$/{stripe-greater-than-chunk} supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest} tasks/{bucket-check cls mp_reupload ragweed reshard s3tests-java s3tests versioning} validater/lockdep}
  • duration: 0:31:41
  • email:
  • failure_reason: Command failed on smithi086 with status 2: 'adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage radosgw-admin -n client.0 mfa create --uid RGW11111111111111111 --totp-serial 7726903791 --totp-seed S5TUK6NI53BZBATLH5SAMBPV75EXY7ISVGDAB7RBRJVI3HM53X3AWUOHP2NI6RP4 --totp-seconds 5 --totp-window 8 --totp-seed-type base32 --cluster ceph'
  • flavor: default
  • job_id: 7556382
  • kernel:
    • kdb: True
    • sha1: distro
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: smithi
  • name: cbodley-2024-02-12_01:58:15-rgw-wip-rgw-account-v3-distro-default-smithi
  • nuke_on_error: True
  • os_type: ubuntu
  • os_version: 22.04
  • overrides:
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
    • ceph:
      • conf:
        • client:
          • debug rgw: 20
          • rgw bucket counters cache: True
          • rgw crypt require ssl: False
          • rgw crypt s3 kms backend: testing
          • rgw crypt s3 kms encryption keys: testkey-1=YmluCmJvb3N0CmJvb3N0LWJ1aWxkCmNlcGguY29uZgo= testkey-2=aWIKTWFrZWZpbGUKbWFuCm91dApzcmMKVGVzdGluZwo=
          • rgw d3n l1 datacache persistent path: /tmp/rgw_datacache/
          • rgw d3n l1 datacache size: 10737418240
          • rgw d3n l1 local datacache enabled: True
          • rgw enable ops log: True
          • rgw max chunk size: 4194304
          • rgw obj stripe size: 6291456
          • rgw torrent flag: True
          • rgw user counters cache: True
          • setgroup: ceph
          • setuser: ceph
        • global:
          • mon client directed command retry: 5
          • ms inject socket failures: 5000
          • osd_max_pg_log_entries: 10
          • osd_min_pg_log_entries: 10
        • mgr:
          • debug mgr: 20
          • debug ms: 1
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug paxos: 20
          • lockdep: True
        • osd:
          • bdev async discard: True
          • bdev enable discard: True
          • bluestore allocator: bitmap
          • bluestore block size: 96636764160
          • bluestore fsck on mount: True
          • debug bluefs: 1/20
          • debug bluestore: 1/20
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug osd: 20
          • debug rocksdb: 4/10
          • lockdep: True
          • mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85
          • mon osd full ratio: 0.9
          • mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8
          • osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95
          • osd objectstore: bluestore
          • osd shutdown pgref assert: True
      • flavor: default
      • fs: xfs
      • log-ignorelist:
        • \(MDS_ALL_DOWN\)
        • \(MDS_UP_LESS_THAN_MAX\)
        • \(PG_AVAILABILITY\)
        • \(PG_DEGRADED\)
        • \(POOL_APP_NOT_ENABLED\)
        • not have an application enabled
        • \(OSD_SLOW_PING_TIME
      • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
    • ceph-deploy:
      • bluestore: True
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
          • osd:
            • bdev async discard: True
            • bdev enable discard: True
            • bluestore block size: 96636764160
            • bluestore fsck on mount: True
            • debug bluefs: 1/20
            • debug bluestore: 1/20
            • debug rocksdb: 4/10
            • mon osd backfillfull_ratio: 0.85
            • mon osd full ratio: 0.9
            • mon osd nearfull ratio: 0.8
            • osd failsafe full ratio: 0.95
            • osd objectstore: bluestore
        • fs: xfs
      • install:
        • ceph:
          • flavor: default
          • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • rgw:
        • compression type: random
        • datacache: True
        • datacache_path: /tmp/rgw_datacache
        • ec-data-pool: True
        • frontend: beast
        • storage classes: LUKEWARM, FROZEN
      • s3tests:
        • accounts:
          • s3 main: RGW11111111111111111
          • s3 tenant: RGW33333333333333333
        • force-branch: ceph-master
        • slow_backend: True
        • storage classes: LUKEWARM, FROZEN
      • thrashosds:
        • bdev_inject_crash: 2
        • bdev_inject_crash_probability: 0.5
      • workunit:
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
    • owner: scheduled_cbodley@teuthology
    • pid:
    • roles:
      • ['mon.a', 'mon.c', 'mgr.y', 'osd.0', 'osd.1', 'osd.2', 'osd.3', 'client.0', 'node-exporter.a']
      • ['mon.b', 'mgr.x', 'osd.4', 'osd.5', 'osd.6', 'osd.7', 'client.1', 'prometheus.a', 'node-exporter.b']
    • sentry_event:
    • status: fail
    • success: False
    • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
    • seed:
    • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
    • subset:
    • suite:
    • suite_branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
    • suite_path:
    • suite_relpath:
    • suite_repo:
    • suite_sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
    • targets:
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBI+NPD+K6ckk3Ri4Xx9VsERaEwN62nJlc9NouwUhiBKLTMxP/53I2cCvUbuA6jeJVnKT3ikFgvkqo+tyEunxEjQ=
      • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBHTMoyiYtdLBmNTV6I6iLR7iTJykO+ruYPrcxBT9U/F5OK6XtLLich7A8+eSTGSTG4+cMMxpD/TKtWH3L2JOsLk=
    • tasks:
      • internal.check_packages:
      • internal.buildpackages_prep:
      • internal.save_config:
      • internal.check_lock:
      • internal.add_remotes:
      • console_log:
      • internal.connect:
      • internal.push_inventory:
      • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
      • internal.check_conflict:
      • internal.check_ceph_data:
      • internal.vm_setup:
      • kernel:
        • kdb: True
        • sha1: distro
      • internal.base:
      • internal.archive_upload:
      • internal.archive:
      • internal.coredump:
      • internal.sudo:
      • internal.syslog:
      • internal.timer:
      • pcp:
      • selinux:
      • ansible.cephlab:
      • clock:
      • install:
        • extra_system_packages:
          • deb:
            • s3cmd
          • rpm:
            • s3cmd
        • flavor: default
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • ceph:
      • openssl_keys:
      • rgw:
        • client.0:
      • tox:
        • client.0
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • rgw/
        • env:
          • RGW_DATACACHE_PATH: /tmp/rgw_datacache
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • rgw/
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • cls/
            • rgw/
            • rgw/
            • rgw/
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • rgw/
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • ragweed:
        • client.0:
          • default-branch: ceph-master
          • rgw_server: client.0
          • stages: prepare,check
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • rgw/
        • branch: wip-rgw-account-v3
        • sha1: 74c3dae9e2b34cfb17cf2549ef02956045bee556
      • s3tests-java:
        • client.0:
          • force-branch: ceph-master
          • force-repo:
      • s3tests:
        • client.0:
          • rgw_server: client.0
          • accounts:
            • s3 main: RGW11111111111111111
            • s3 tenant: RGW33333333333333333
          • force-branch: ceph-master
          • slow_backend: True
          • storage classes: LUKEWARM, FROZEN
      • workunit:
        • clients:
          • client.0:
            • rgw/
    • teuthology_branch: main
    • verbose: False
    • pcp_grafana_url:
    • priority:
    • user:
    • queue:
    • posted: 2024-02-12 01:59:05
    • started: 2024-02-12 02:25:01
    • updated: 2024-02-12 03:06:42
    • status_class: danger
    • runtime: 0:41:41
    • wait_time: 0:10:00