Nodes: mira121 mira054

Description: rgw/verify/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml frontend/apache.yaml fs/xfs.yaml msgr-failures/few.yaml objectstore/filestore.yaml overrides.yaml rgw_pool_type/replicated.yaml tasks/rgw_s3tests_multiregion.yaml validater/valgrind.yaml}


Sentry event:

Failure Reason:

Command failed on mira121 with status 1: 'adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage radosgw-admin --log-to-stderr --format json -n client.0 -n client.0 region-map get'

  • log_href:
  • archive_path: /home/teuthworker/archive/cbodley-2017-03-24_17:00:34-rgw-wip-rgw-encryption---basic-mira/940315
  • description: rgw/verify/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml frontend/apache.yaml fs/xfs.yaml msgr-failures/few.yaml objectstore/filestore.yaml overrides.yaml rgw_pool_type/replicated.yaml tasks/rgw_s3tests_multiregion.yaml validater/valgrind.yaml}
  • duration: 0:38:13
  • email:
  • failure_reason: Command failed on mira121 with status 1: 'adjust-ulimits ceph-coverage /home/ubuntu/cephtest/archive/coverage radosgw-admin --log-to-stderr --format json -n client.0 -n client.0 region-map get'
  • flavor: notcmalloc
  • job_id: 940315
  • kernel:
  • last_in_suite: False
  • machine_type: mira
  • name: cbodley-2017-03-24_17:00:34-rgw-wip-rgw-encryption---basic-mira
  • nuke_on_error: True
  • os_type: centos
  • os_version:
  • overrides:
    • ceph-deploy:
      • conf:
        • client:
          • log file: /var/log/ceph/ceph-$name.$pid.log
        • mon:
          • osd default pool size: 2
    • rgw:
      • frontend: civetweb
      • ec-data-pool: False
    • workunit:
      • sha1: 8c084e086194549311138a53894ce558bdf8c761
    • ceph:
      • fs: xfs
      • log-whitelist:
        • slow request
      • valgrind:
        • mds:
          • --tool=memcheck
        • mon:
          • --tool=memcheck
          • --leak-check=full
          • --show-reachable=yes
        • osd:
          • --tool=memcheck
      • conf:
        • client:
          • debug rgw: 20
          • rgw lc debug interval: 10
          • rgw compression type: random
          • rgw crypt s3 kms encryption keys: testkey-1=YmluCmJvb3N0CmJvb3N0LWJ1aWxkCmNlcGguY29uZgo= testkey-2=aWIKTWFrZWZpbGUKbWFuCm91dApzcmMKVGVzdGluZwo=
          • rgw crypt require ssl: False
        • global:
          • osd heartbeat grace: 40
          • ms inject socket failures: 5000
        • osd:
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug journal: 20
          • debug osd: 25
          • osd objectstore: filestore
          • osd sloppy crc: True
          • debug filestore: 20
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug paxos: 20
          • debug ms: 1
      • sha1: 49153d569cadefb1c49c82806ca9baceaf3460c8
    • install:
      • ceph:
        • debuginfo: True
        • flavor: notcmalloc
        • sha1: 49153d569cadefb1c49c82806ca9baceaf3460c8
    • admin_socket:
      • branch: wip-rgw-encryption
  • owner: scheduled_cbodley@monet
  • pid:
  • roles:
    • ['mon.a', 'mon.c', 'osd.0', 'osd.1', 'osd.2', 'client.0']
    • ['mon.b', 'osd.3', 'osd.4', 'osd.5', 'client.1']
  • sentry_event:
  • status: fail
  • success: False
  • branch: wip-rgw-encryption
  • seed:
  • sha1: 49153d569cadefb1c49c82806ca9baceaf3460c8
  • subset:
  • suite:
  • suite_branch: wip-s3tests-crypto
  • suite_path:
  • suite_relpath:
  • suite_repo:
  • suite_sha1: 8c084e086194549311138a53894ce558bdf8c761
  • targets:
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMc/Hw70pMzuA4nYIUb937E2JWYf2GqKmHyG38vi/WOJ1R8Oj77aTkq5Px37l9Dy/TWU/8/yX9kS0fweFd2yi6shueA/NqIBguBXeSjVC/GqGhVBWZ1sMuNIWHU5afjKfsrrX2pghQkmlcBi+yXnqa/c7nX905z+U3OD+e8oLNItAFnnx3lipuMR4UpiGmiL+DBM1twNBL1r981HT80MWML0OlpUczTeo+MRCUcsYpm74IvTCUMXuhR0DgfXDs3C8KdIi2DaRNGFfqeAjIy3p7OSJocY9ZoYwREThGirk8PY2w7JCb3jkTXrxVuaizaoQ1/JFquf5j9CQePjDUcNhn
    • ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCt8VZtTM+mB9VDoyCjF4mzNAGMcz92y9OtIxVsB0dFfF8kaQx11LiVDd8tWDNHZfXSlRsw/3paP8BuaEmnscGuPlnTQOWKb+LHBEl6/ZUeTXZBBt4/0Lf6TOnMMw/RJy3XqCgPc4BYF83yKkHVI7xLHaNGJhlRcXENBhlVBhdQ21IrWKPLeFDKM6XYBEYqd9ELzkK3p6XXbUc2r+WN9u8hDAtorS+tiw0vZlI12rxsL/IwkHlE7nS1NbWLUhij0Re+13DRzzvYTZWA1ZEXBLG+/Qr/SolLhDi0W3r9a5wKZYJKUKSkayf5Z4ntV++NtG9fRgHPfwQOlgt4P5HQqoTT
  • tasks:
    • internal.check_packages:
    • internal.buildpackages_prep:
    • internal.lock_machines:
      • 2
      • mira
    • internal.save_config:
    • internal.check_lock:
    • internal.add_remotes:
    • console_log:
    • internal.connect:
    • internal.push_inventory:
    • internal.serialize_remote_roles:
    • internal.check_conflict:
    • internal.check_ceph_data:
    • internal.vm_setup:
    • internal.base:
    • internal.archive_upload:
    • internal.archive:
    • internal.coredump:
    • internal.sudo:
    • internal.syslog:
    • internal.timer:
    • pcp:
    • selinux:
    • ansible.cephlab:
    • clock:
    • install:
      • debuginfo: True
      • flavor: notcmalloc
      • sha1: 49153d569cadefb1c49c82806ca9baceaf3460c8
    • ceph:
      • fs: xfs
      • valgrind:
        • mds:
          • --tool=memcheck
        • mon:
          • --tool=memcheck
          • --leak-check=full
          • --show-reachable=yes
        • osd:
          • --tool=memcheck
      • sha1: 49153d569cadefb1c49c82806ca9baceaf3460c8
      • cluster: ceph
      • log-whitelist:
        • slow request
      • conf:
        • client.0:
          • rgw zone root pool:
          • rgw user keys pool: .users.0
          • rgw user uid pool: .users.uid.0
          • rgw region: zero
          • rgw gc pool: .rgw.gc.0
          • rgw region root pool: .rgw.region.0
          • rgw log meta: True
          • rgw log data: True
          • rgw zone: r0z1
        • client.1:
          • rgw zone root pool:
          • rgw user keys pool: .users.1
          • rgw user uid pool: .users.uid.1
          • rgw region: one
          • rgw gc pool: .rgw.gc.1
          • rgw region root pool: .rgw.region.1
          • rgw log meta: False
          • rgw log data: False
          • rgw zone: r1z1
        • global:
          • osd heartbeat grace: 40
          • ms inject socket failures: 5000
        • client:
          • debug rgw: 20
          • rgw lc debug interval: 10
          • rgw compression type: random
          • rgw crypt s3 kms encryption keys: testkey-1=YmluCmJvb3N0CmJvb3N0LWJ1aWxkCmNlcGguY29uZgo= testkey-2=aWIKTWFrZWZpbGUKbWFuCm91dApzcmMKVGVzdGluZwo=
          • rgw crypt require ssl: False
        • mon:
          • debug mon: 20
          • debug paxos: 20
          • debug ms: 1
        • osd:
          • debug ms: 1
          • debug journal: 20
          • debug osd: 25
          • osd objectstore: filestore
          • osd sloppy crc: True
          • debug filestore: 20
    • rgw:
      • client.1:
        • system user:
          • secret key: Oy4IOauQoL18Gp2zM7lC1vLmoawgqcYPbYGcWfXv
          • access key: 0te6NH5mcdcq0Tc5i8i2
          • name: client1-system-user
        • valgrind:
          • --tool=memcheck
      • client.0:
        • system user:
          • secret key: 1y4IOauQoL18Gp2zM7lC1vLmoawgqcYPbYGcWfXv
          • access key: 1te6NH5mcdcq0Tc5i8i2
          • name: client0-system-user
        • valgrind:
          • --tool=memcheck
    • radosgw-agent:
      • client.0:
        • dest: client.1
        • src: client.0
        • metadata-only: True
    • s3tests:
      • client.0:
        • rgw_server: client.0
        • force-branch: wip-pr-118
        • idle_timeout: 300
  • teuthology_branch: master
  • verbose: False
  • pcp_grafana_url:
  • priority:
  • user:
  • queue:
  • posted: 2017-03-24 21:01:36
  • started: 2017-03-24 22:29:08
  • updated: 2017-03-25 00:53:11
  • status_class: danger
  • runtime: 2:24:03
  • wait_time: 1:45:50