Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
pass 6424035 2021-10-05 18:00:31 2021-10-05 18:01:55 2021-10-05 18:42:46 0:40:51 0:34:31 0:06:20 smithi master rhel 8.4 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/barbican 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{rhel_8}} 1
dead 6424036 2021-10-05 18:00:32 2021-10-05 18:01:55 2021-10-06 06:14:07 12:12:12 smithi master centos 8.3 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/kmip 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{centos_8}} 1
Failure Reason:

hit max job timeout

pass 6424037 2021-10-05 18:00:33 2021-10-05 18:01:56 2021-10-05 18:19:26 0:17:30 0:11:02 0:06:28 smithi master ubuntu 20.04 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/testing 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest}} 1
fail 6424038 2021-10-05 18:00:34 2021-10-05 18:02:06 2021-10-05 18:19:13 0:17:07 0:08:02 0:09:05 smithi master centos 8.3 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/vault_kv 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{centos_8}} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi102 with status 1: 'sudo echo -n test_root_token > /etc/ceph/vault-root-token'

fail 6424039 2021-10-05 18:00:36 2021-10-05 18:02:06 2021-10-05 18:21:25 0:19:19 0:07:56 0:11:23 smithi master centos 8.3 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/vault_old 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{centos_8}} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi104 with status 1: 'sudo echo -n test_root_token > /etc/ceph/vault-root-token'

fail 6424040 2021-10-05 18:00:37 2021-10-05 18:02:47 2021-10-05 18:16:15 0:13:28 0:05:51 0:07:37 smithi master ubuntu 20.04 rgw:crypt/{0-cluster/fixed-1 1-ceph-install/install 2-kms/vault_transit 3-rgw/rgw 4-tests/{s3tests} ignore-pg-availability supported-random-distro$/{ubuntu_latest}} 1
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi068 with status 1: 'sudo echo -n test_root_token > /etc/ceph/vault-root-token'