Status Job ID Links Posted Started Updated
In Waiting
Machine Teuthology Branch OS Type OS Version Description Nodes
fail 3436660 2019-01-08 14:20:46 2019-01-08 14:24:16 2019-01-08 14:54:15 0:29:59 0:16:53 0:13:06 smithi master centos rgw:verify/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml frontend/beast.yaml msgr-failures/few.yaml objectstore/bluestore-bitmap.yaml overrides.yaml proto/http.yaml rgw_pool_type/ec-profile.yaml tasks/{0-install.yaml cls_rgw.yaml ragweed.yaml s3tests-go.yaml s3tests.yaml swift.yaml} validater/lockdep.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi182 with status 1: 'cd /home/ubuntu/cephtest/s3-tests-go/s3tests && go test -v'

fail 3436661 2019-01-08 14:20:47 2019-01-08 14:24:38 2019-01-08 15:24:38 1:00:00 0:30:20 0:29:40 smithi master centos rgw:verify/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml frontend/civetweb.yaml msgr-failures/few.yaml objectstore/bluestore-comp.yaml overrides.yaml proto/https.yaml rgw_pool_type/ec.yaml tasks/{0-install.yaml cls_rgw.yaml ragweed.yaml s3tests-go.yaml s3tests.yaml swift.yaml} validater/valgrind.yaml} 2
Failure Reason:

Command failed on smithi073 with status 1: 'cd /home/ubuntu/cephtest/s3-tests-go/s3tests && go test -v'